In this text I will do a small summary of the astral map that will preside this year, marking the trends for each of the signs of the zodiac ...
2009 brings a year full of possibilities (even if the crisis makes us think otherwise), in which we need to organize ourselves to do things in a different order to that we mapped before. This is due to the fact that the Sun, Mars, Pluto, Mercury and Jupiter and the Ascendant, is in the sign Capricorn earlier this year.
Capricorn will teach us, among other things, that to succeed in life, being smart is not as important as knowing when to do things and just AT THE TIME. We will have to put our theories into practice and preach with the example, collecting experiences that will help us evolve.
other hand, blocking Hochmah in the Tree of Life, says that we will find facilities to connect with our spiritual essence, with our Higher Ego, and that through relaxation, meditation, we arrive at states of consciousness that helps us understand what is happening around us.
Being practical we will say that when problems are attacking us, when we continue the crisis (and even before it happens), we must find a quiet space and connect with our angels (or with whom we were up there ) Council and ask them, because in a way or another we will come the light.
Furthermore, blocking Yesod produce internal images of clairvoyance, imagination. Although a person who is too rooted in the past, it can produce prejudice, isolation, inability to share.
At numerology, 2009 is 2, which is a number Hochmah the sefirah luck and providence. This means that it will be a year of good fortune which Providence will help us emerge from conflict. The main task is to score Hochmah the difference between light and darkness. This means that 2009 will be a year of great contrasts, where part of the company is very good and the other very badly. What is positive is that we can choose which side we want to tilt.
A curiosity for 2009 is that some aspects occur, only 5 of the major aspects and appointed them no quadrature. This means that this will be a year where it is laborious to move the will and we tend to let things happen only as hoping that destiny is fulfilled. The problem in following this process, if the events are negative, we let ourselves surrounded by them. The antidote is to take the reins of our lives steer the ship, with the security we are captains and have authority over her.
Forecast for 2009, sign by sign: Aries
For . - This will be a year with many opportunities in the professional sector in which you will take the reins of your life. To get it you will have the help of friends of powerful people who will help you in difficult times. Neglecting health care, you will reduce the work for you occupied a little more of your biorhythms. For
Taurus. - It opens a window of opportunity to change, the great movements of ideas, focus things since a different view to what is usual. For this you will need to more than one occasion, out of your natural level of activity beyond the borders and visit new places. Travel will be on the agenda. You'll find many opportunities in the workplace. Watch for children, you should pay more attention to them or they will slow your initiatives. For
Gemini. - One of your main goals should be that of increasing the level of self-esteem, because you will attain and achieve goals that proved impossible before. You have to believe more in your possibilities. To obtain you will have the help of strangers, people who live in other communities or other countries, so you move. Pay more attention to family relationships because they need you.
To Cancer . - In front of you is going to put a hard bone to chew, especially if you are committed to fight against the opposite side of your personality. 2009 is for you a year to have a good relationship with those ahead, learning from them and to associate yourself. Pay attention to what happens to your round because the gifts falling from the sky. In your relationships with others slows a bit and listen to his advice.
Lion. - Support other, make them favors, give attention to their needs will be in the agenda for this new year, because that way you will avoid having health problems. The universe will reach past debts, but it will reward you for your support. Listen to the advice of your partner, partners, because they will steer you in the right way. Beware of spending too much into things not very useful because your budget may falter. For
Virgin . - Creativity is going to be very active and beautiful e you should look for projects in which power is given the maximum, because the results are very good. It is likely to achieve your hopes you had to serve others and learn a few things. Doing so will help you move faster. You must follow what your conscience tells you, otherwise things will start to twist dangerously.
To Balance . - Your home should be a quarter-General of all your actions, because that is or will cook your projects. Bring your family whenever you have a problem and see how they will provide miraculous solutions and support you need. Your intuition will seek more innovative ways, she will push you to escape from the routine, listen. Be careful with the relations of the past that you left open they can anchor. For
Scorpio. - Communication will be one of your greatest assets for this new year. You will learn to say things in a more clear and concrete and thereby open many doors. You can also have the help of your family who will direct you to the appropriate route. Listened to his advice. The friends you will tend to slow down a bit and limit your freedom. Listen to his advice and decide the way forward. For
Sagittarius. - The year 2009 will bring you a change of values, it will push you to pay more attention to things that before went unnoticed and stop to consider others. You will earn more money and probably spend more. Communication will be one of your strengths because you convince with words. Attention to want to do in too much work at the same time, because the dispersion can crucify you. For
Capricorn. - You get to control the situation and feel the need to initiate many things at once. Try to discern what interests you and you help him to move forward and which represents a single medal. It will prove easier to find a partner or improve your romantic relationships. Attention in the long travel, prepare them sufficiently in advance to avoid mishaps or unexpected. For
Aquarius. - The industry that controls the externalization of your emotions is full of planets, which means you will spend part of 2009 to say what you feel, share feelings and fall in love. You'll be able to choose the projects that work, focus and you made it to consciousness. Attention to let the events do you see the negative things, because they undermine your self-esteem. For
Fish. - Friends will be important in your life during 2009, because they will help you find balance and develop your projects with guarantees. Look for them so they can advise you. You must also listen to your heart because you require more protagonism. Be careful you leave convinced that life is broadcast in black and white. Look for the color.
Tristan Llop Talismans and Messages for a New Era
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