The planet Jupiter, the most expansive is regarded as the great benevolent zodiac, it will transit the sign of Aquarius all year 2009.
In this article I will discuss the possible impact of the transit of Jupiter, with a pass in each zodiac sign, to show the powerful impact of this planet in all of them ...
A key feature of Jupiter is it transmits its tremendous passion, his optimism to run our own projects. Thus, its assistance is critical every day.
Aquarius is a sign of open dialogue, always willing to find an innovative solution to a problem, always deluded to go further, to discover new horizons.
The action of Jupiter in Aquarius will that the characteristics of the sign are multiplying. So, first we will be more optimistic, which is very necessary for modern times. So we will see pressure to break the routine, to get us out of the way, stop by the parameters we have learned. We tend to seek answers later in the esoteric philosophy, in alternative medicine, in the ideas that proclaim what the new era.
Aquarius is also a sign of friendship and influence of Jupiter will that we give much importance to our relations. But we will learn what is really friendship, that is to say, allow us to another as it is, without attempting to change it to suit our needs.
Jupiter moves us to open ourselves and dialogue, seek new solutions instead of repeating the old references to defend high ideals. But also it will propel us to look for spaces of solitude in which we can understand our own inner being, spaces for meditation, relaxation and reflection.
The transit of Jupiter in the sign of Aquarius must produce an advance of mankind in the sense that we are able to see life from a different perspective, holistic.
Prediction for the signs:
For Aries: This is the moment to pass on the good humor and optimism to all those around him, to help them see life from a different perspective, more open. Also they will learn to let this be supported by their peers and to cease acting in a manner so individualistic.
For Taurus: This will be the moment to organize his life, deciding what is important and what is incidental. Improving relations with the father, both the physical as that which is spiritual, it should be a primary objective in 2009. Many opportunities in the workplace.
For Gemini : Developing ideas will need a chip. But they will first have to clarify, decide what path they really want to follow in life and next to whom. They will open the spiritual desire and they will find a person, a school or a Web page that answers their questions.
For Cancer: Jupiter will give them a great magnetism, which will make people go to them like bees are to honey. It will be a time of great opportunities, where they resume the fruit of the seed planted in the past. Will rain gifts in their hands, in the right as in the left and they must be careful to seize power.
For Lion: They must learn to recognize the virtues of the one side, people with whom they coexist every day, because they teach them how is the other part of their personality. It opens a stage of team work in which he will combine the arrogance typical of the sign, with the humility to recognize the strength of the other.
For Virgin : activated sector of humility and service, offering the opportunity to find a thousand and one ways to make them useful. Opens a period of humanitarian aid, a space to put the wisdom of the Virgin brought the rest of mortals to help them move forward, grow, always from a disinterested perspective.
For Balance: Opportunities to make their dreams will multiply by ten, since Jupiter will give wings to their freedom. To get it they will look much free time and reduce work obligations. In doing so they will realize their creativity and their ability to find different solutions to the problems of life.
For Scorpio Jupiter will help to expand inwardly to move the emotions, to know thoroughly, which in turn will help to change aspects of his personality that bothers him. It may also have the unconditional support of the family, they have brilliant ideas and they will give him the confidence to increase the level of self-esteem.
For Sagittarius: They will have plenty to say and a necessity for the imperial say. The ease of speech gives them many advantages over the other at time of sale, because they convince. It would be better if they avoid the confidences, secrets, since they come out with excessive ease, skipping over any compromise. Communication will be their best weapon.
For Capricorn: You open a period where they will be pressured to start assessing the things that happen in their lives and around them with a different perspective, which will force them to change their way of being. Depending on whether they will voluntarily, they will have the opportunity to expand their work. If they offer resistance, they could go through economic problems that will help them refocus.
For Aquarius: This is the moment to pick up the pan by the handle. The first thing is to think carefully about their objectives in the short and medium term, trying to visualize the result. Jupiter will help them see life with a more open, more positive, moving away from those who bring bad weather and crises. They will find many good opportunities to advance.
For Fish: The Power of Jupiter, their ruler, they will direct their arrows of love to all targets, possible. So this will be a year to fall in love, people but also the causes. Fish and will be mobilized to help those who request it. The strength of their desire to help him achieve any goal proposed.
Tristan Llop Talismans and Messages for a New Era
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