We go through turbulent times and it's easy to let ourselves be driven by poor economic forecasts by the situation or difficulty that cheers a friend or relative. But if we do we run the danger of falling into the well and then it will be difficult to get out ...
My proposal is that we were preparing to receive good year and that 31 and 1 we connect with the happiest part of our personality and cheerful.
First I propose that you do an escalation by the tree of life, starting and ending Malkuth to Kether, and you can do this by reading the following texts:
Malkuth, which transports you on your shoulders the material realm, and you are our to maintain and understand the divine life, receive my gratitude, my love, and promise to shorten my efforts with the time you have left to live trapped on earth. Connects me with Yesod.
Yesod, I hope you help me that my impulses are expressed with strength, so that my brothers understand the significance of my actions, not with them is fomenting doubt or ambiguity. Connects me with Hood.
Hod, I ask that you grant me the ability to express the right word. I want to be, with your help, the harbinger of the law, whoever receives the path and reveals to the pilgrims. Put in my soul the desire to be an example. Connects me with Netzach.
Netzach, from you I hope you improve my life and harmony that permeates your soul and radiate in the words and gestures. Give me, Lord, the gift to communicate to my fellow delicacy. Connects me with Tiphareth.
Tiphareth, grant that my soul reaches the contemplation of unity. My body find the path to fully integrate the currents from the right and those on the left. Let me radiates supreme harmony. Connects me with Gueburah.
Gueburah, makes me the right arm, help me to be one that restores the truth to those who have fallen into error and one who can lead the work to bring souls to the source of your righteousness. Connects me with Hesed.
Hesed, I hope to goodness that you have to turn evil into good, give me authority, lord, to ease the lives of those that approach me and help me to take them on the trail joy and optimism. Connects me with Binah.
Binah, the mother of the world, pours on my left flank coagulation force that allows things to become consistent and durable, so there appears in her direction, the lesson which should enable me to understand. Connects me with Hochmah.
Hochmah, the source of your divine love pouring pure water on my right flank, giving my right hand power to convey health and that whatever my hand touches turns into a love object. Connects me with Kether.
Kether, poured over me, Everlasting Father, the fire of your will, so it burns in me the designs that keep me away from your orbit. That your will and mine merge and sync for much of the day ahead.
The next step is to make two lists, one with the things you want to get rid of all things lived in 2008 (then you burn it after midnight) and another with wishes for 2009.
The third is to make a toast (if possible with two more people, a minimum of 3) in which you run good omens for 2009, because it is a way to declare what you want that it happens.
The fourth is to solicit the invisibility and protection of higher beings (angels, for example) for the bad omens, bad energies, negativity, you are missing without seeing you and you can see and experience things positively.
In a future article I'll do an astrological forecast for 2009.
May the light of understanding flooded your hearts and 2009 represent a year of great inner growth.
Tristan Llop Talisman and Messages for a New Era
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