We will see the influence of each sign in the development of the son and the children of Fire, Water, Air and Earth that will be my son when he grows up, the lack of affinity between teacher and student harmony and disharmony between fathers and son, the future society will gather the children by temperamental affinities, the 3 major stages of childhood; Main virtues and defects of children according to its sign ...
influence of each sign in the lives of children
Aries (March 21 to April 20).
Among all belonging to the fire signs, Aries Children will be more open, spontaneous, passionate, with protagonism and researchers need adventures. The head of the queue, the flag bearer, who takes responsibility for the destruction that the games can cause. He needs to get noticed, and if does not get good degrees, he will get another way, through pranks, practical jokes, prompting rebukes from teachers and parents, who would make suitable the sweet hour of reconciliation.
If you have a child Aries, give him your trust, you must be at his side at all times, because then he will not feel forced to call your attention with heroic and dangerous. Stimulate enthusiasm, and he will restore the love that has multiplied achieve superhuman limits.
Taurus (April 21 to May 20).
These are children quiet, calm, or an earthquake which manages to leave his placidity. Generally, they are embodied in family well-placed, because Taurus is the sign of the bankers, but they are born into poor families, they find the safe path that will lead to wealth, even if reach it later in life, because the dynamics of the sign into full functions from half of life.
What families do not expect them great success in studies, nor require it, because children do not go Taurus need what they learn to succeed in life. Money and social triumph will look for where they are, because they have the chance either. If in your house there is a Taurus child, does it meet the Lotto tickets, because he can make that fortune from home.
Gemini (May 21 to June 21).
Gemini Children are those who pretend smarter, because they externalize, make it out. They are the spokesmen born peers. If there is something to say, in school or in other atmospheres, they will be those who say it. They are cheeky and say the last word, even if they win a penalty. They shine by their words, through his essays, though they may have problems to remember the lessons.
Its not hard to internalize the knowledge, but to remove those they are already inside, and they often respond that makes something similar to what they asked for but in his answers there are so many methods, both of logic, the examiner may consider valid what they say. These are children who appear to adults in their line of reasoning, but with little practical meaning, which is the quality that his parents have helped them develop.
Cancer (June 22 to July 22).
Cancer Children are the most sensitive of all zodiac. They have a potential high emotional intensity and this makes them perceive the world his dream, his poetry, he makes them see the ideal part of the people, so they idealize them, and if does not meet their expectations of them, they contain, they marginent in their ivory tower and disconnect everything.
They need more affection and more confidence than any other sign. If they find in their teachers and parents a sympathetic response, will be the most gorgeous creatures in the world, capable of anything to please. Indifference will make them strange beings, incomprehensible, locked in a silent world that is water.
Lion (June 23 to August 23).
child Leo, from seven years, will be a natural leader, in which his companions seek the protection and assistance. There is in him a moral force that distinguishes invisible, she shines and before the other, it is like a king. As the distinguished professors, because the child is agreed to by the authority of his superiors is not turbulent, but disciplined and responsible.
soon discover that the greatest leader this child is favorable to its goals and task it representative. At home it is also the head of his brothers, even if they are older, and it will always be there to take responsibility. A Lion in the house will protect the family clan. But it is important that it is the center of attention, everyone recognizes it.
Virgin (August 24 to September 23).
Children are largely unpolished-I-am of the zodiac, because they are at the end of a great cycle, and are back, without the world around them affects them. As at the end of many things that are wise, those who have developed skill in all its phases, and there is no teacher who is beyond them, although his intelligence is a potential to develop, but is there, they have subconsciously they know that this is so and lead them to lose interest by chosent they surround.
At home, they try to escape community tasks, to spend a lot time outdoors, but being an archive of all grades, great moments in life, they will respond and they will do with mastery.
Libra (September 24 to 23 October).
Balance Children are the perfect companion, the formers groups and organizers of youth gangs and teams for games. These are children who run away from loneliness as the devil, and why we always see them by forming groups, since they possess a talent that can have organizer.
At school, they will always be in the group of the best, although they are difficult to draw inferences about what they practice learn. At home, they will be obedient and very active if they see the logic of why we ask them, but if the parents behave in an emotional way, their return to the scales back and reactions can achieve high indices of non-conformism. With a balance in the family, the house will always be full of companions.
Scorpio (October 24 to November 22).
Scorpio Children are the most complex and difficult to understand, because, being highly emotional, they keep inside what offends them, and these emotions not released can lead to disease or mishaps with those that somehow, subconsciously, they want to attract attention.
love towards oneself is very intense and it will lead them to value themselves above what is normal, so that if others do not evaluate them in the same degree, they feel misunderstood and suffer much for that.
They must constantly be compensated by things that are missed by their parents or teachers, who are tired at the end of so many delicacies and children under the sign of Scorpio can only go cry in a corner. Sometimes, a grandmother, Honey manages to give them the joy of living.
Sagittarius (November 23 to December 21).
Children Sagittarius are the bravest, most adventurous of the zodiac. Devotees of Superman or Captain Thunder, especially Superman, they will feel the need to perform a feat everyday to save someone some danger. They are child welfare, what do often really miraculous solutions to people with problems.
What is their daily little interest, including studies, but with highly developed intuition, understand in a glance what is difficult for others, and will finish their homework in quickly to take care of his business, which is fearless, adventure. They may escape if they are at home too many obstacles, but it will be to live like the characters in animated strips. Once they have mobilized a group and looking for his capture, they turn around and forget the minute. His goodness is stronger than anything and they can not see people suffer. They participate in the affairs of others and are beautiful specimens of humanity.
Capricorn (December 22 to January 20).
Children Capricorn are weighted officials, slow to react, but their safe operation. They advance step by step with the parsimony of a bulldozer, with the security they arrive where they are proposing. This slowness can lead to positions in the last class, but his parents are not alarmed, because as and when they get older, like nothing or nobody will stop them, they get to be the first in the social scale.
It is important therefore that this child, called to occupy the top positions in society, one does not nagging, it does not require its immediate results. Let it be that the last step in its confident child and wait a period of major triumphs.
Aquarius (January 21 to February 19).
Aquarius is the ultimate good child, the intellectual, the philosopher. With a large memory capacity, he learned everything he knows everything, even if perhaps less obvious that his colleague Gemini, because its purpose is that of being behind the throne and rule the world from backstage.
He will have no problems in school, and the danger it will perhaps be too clever, because he likes to do laboratory experiments and could discover the atomic bomb without knowing and robbed the house in which he resides. He agrees that his parents are watching and they provide against the excesses of intelligence.
Fish (February 20 to March 20).
Children Pisces are those that show more sympathy, affection, and earlier in the chapter of love. His thunderbolt childhood are frequent but short-lived. They fall in love, of course, the professor or teacher and they get perhaps their writing anonymous letters declaring his love.
These are very challenging childhood love for their work because they want get good results before the beloved. Also at home they will be demonstrative in expressing their love and they will be loved by everyone around them. We must teach them to be steadfast in his affections, but it is a difficult chapter, very difficult for them.
Kabaleb Talismans and Messages for a New Era
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