Angels governing this lunation will be the 56 Poyel (physical) and 61 Umabel (emotional). This will be a special Moon, the first being last year and also by special configurations that give and also to mark a part of our next year ...
Capricorn is the sign chosen by Jesus Christ to incarnate in the earth and bring light to darkness. It is the space of order, one that helps us create a business environment for our life, knowing where we move and why. It also represents the space in which we are all CEOs, that is to say, marks our ability to lead.
We are a few keys to this new moon. The first is that we must direct our lives consistently out of the zone of chaos and crisis to find this magical space in which to develop staff our work. When we have done, things we will succeed. The following key is that we should approach the light out of darkness, bad mood, bad stories, the alarmist view of things for us to conquer new and ambitious goals (in writing this sentence letters that are written in capital letters three times, will there by anything?
Another important key is that we must begin to direct our lives, which implies that prevented external events are those control and direct our film. If the case of the neighbor is in bankruptcy is Case of the neighbor and it serves us to become aware of the need to impose a change in our life, we woke up to when things work. But if we allow that bankruptcy is imposed within us if we fall into the general negativity, it's as if we had fallen in the well of the disabled, in which all complain to live the same circumstances.
A curiosity of this new moon is that Hochmah and Malkuth are blocked. The first marks the tendency to ignore the material interests to live the higher life in the manner of a saint. On Hochmah blocked in a positive sense, one can expect the incineration of all domestic waste, even karma, to enable the individual to live gloriously and intensely spiritual. Channels are highly developed spirituality. For Malkuth, this should bring material happiness, but also the difficulties in projecting to experience physical and psychic spheres of disconnection between the physical personality and the spiritual worlds, in the sense of information flowing downward in above. While the higher Ego communicates with the base, it is unable to establish contact with the ego.
The practical result is that we will be divided between developing our spiritual and material values to enter. The first option we will release the fears, let us go into the light, helping us to solve problems. The second separate us from the medial head, the Higher Ego, and we will be living things as if they were mandatory, as if the only option was to live the difficulty.
other hand, 8 planets in the sphere of Binah in the Tree of the new moon, are sobering. Binah-Saturn being the teacher of our destiny, the planets will be included in its sphere as printed keys on our pan-destiny as Binah record cold in all that is put forward as the steamroller that nails in the asphalt the metal bottle cap that has fallen into the tar. According
Kabaleb: "If the planets represent the sefirot of the column stiffness are in the sphere Binah, Pluto, Saturn. Mars and Mercury (in this case, all under Saturn), this index is that the experiments will be strong to live, or it is a karma to liquidate or lessons that can only be learned through experience. This is due to the refusal of the individual to want to assimilate these lessons by means harmonious, so that ultimately it is also a karmic situation, since when life is proposing to teach us something she always used gentle means, but if the third time we refuse to assimilate experience then the law of necessity RELATED TO Binah program through the planets of rigor. On the contrary, if the planets that represent the sefirot of the column of tolerance found in Binah, Neptune, Uranus, Jupiter, Venus (all less Uranus), this indicates that the road will be easy, we have bonuses for services previously rendered. These planets volunteers imposing its laws in the imprint of fate can stop the advance of the soul to its transcendence, by turning the mortal personality, like the donkey wheel, around the well of material positions.
A dual reality presents itself before us again, one that pushes us towards the hardline experience of our obligations (it will help us move more quickly, reducing the karma), and one that we propose us to focus on the subject, giving us excuses to stop and see the landscape return to the country by Peter Pan.
You decide if you choose to work with or without light ... Tristan
Llop Talismans and Messages for a New Era
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