But sometimes Christmas can also be a period uncertainty, nerves, effort, due to the fact that we will find ourselves with our family members whom we meet perhaps only once in the year or maybe some of them with whom we maintain relationships strained, difficult, perhaps one of the problems is that our brother drinks too much and becomes a too heavy and instead of us sing a song of Christmas, we sing a song of Andalusia.
To overcome these disagreements and recreate a harmonious atmosphere in order to live in peace celebrations, we offer ten ideas to help improve the atmosphere of Christmas. This Decalogue (composed of ten parts) is thought to lunch or dinner on Christmas Eve and end year, although it can also be used on any other occasion.
1. - Think positive thinking produces a very strong energy and therefore it should begin to have positive ideas about the banquet that we will hold (or to which you will attend) and the people who will participate. Imagine that the result will be brilliant, that everyone will be happy and harmony will reign. Also tries to eliminate prejudice against people you already know which you have a bad reference. Grants them at least the benefit of the doubt, the possibility that this year their behavior will be different.
2. - Sending hearts: A few years ago, you could see on television, a cartoon called "Bears love." It was Cubs who intended to lower blood Environments and fight the forces of evil (represented by people still in bad mood), sending opponents to their hearts. This is the basis of the second idea. Although it runs the risk of sounding child, I suggest that you imagine that out of your heart with beautiful pink hearts and they go to people who need to get your meals (especially those most conflictive). With five minutes that will be enough. You can also surround your home with a necklace of hearts. This exercise always works, try it!
3. - Light candles: Many people light candles as usual and more at Christmas, but he is performing this action with a concrete goal that you are aware of why you turn them on. For this we suggest that when you concentrate the light into thinking that you turn to create harmony, so that the light illuminates your hearts and for the meal is a success crowned with peace and harmony. Use an odd number of candles to illuminate your table, since the odd are activators of will.
4. - Put a gift: We suggest that you purchase a gift for each of those present at the meal, nothing too expensive, a simple detail, since in these cases is important for and love brought to this. In this way, you will be connected with the heart of your hosts and as one of the laws of the universe proclaims that allows you to give to receive, it is likely that in return you receive harmony and affection, see even a little more ...
5. - Clean the house. - Everyone cleans her house at Christmas to receive guests in the best conditions. But human relationships create another kind of dirt: the discussions, disgust, sadness, depression and tend to leave visible traces in the atmosphere, what we commonly call "bad vibes". To fight them and send them out to our house we can use simple remedies. Set to classical music, Gregorian chants and songs of Christmas, that will change the vibration of the atmosphere. Ignite the incense and circulate throughout the house, thinking that you purify the atmosphere (it is preferable that the house is empty). Another widely used system is to throw salt in the soil, leave it for an hour and a sweep (by throwing it in the trash and then they out of home).
6. - Perfume the atmosphere: The rose is perhaps the flower represents the essence of love and harmony carries. Pharmacy you can buy rose oil (to avoid confusing with rose water). Once purchased, with a dropper put 27 drops of gasoline into a spray bottle and fill it with water or alcohol. With the result that you obtain spray the house every day for a week before the banquet. After this time, we breathe the scent of roses that will satisfy your guests and the plunge into an atmosphere of harmony and happiness.
7. - Dress the house: In your house you can use two kinds of ornamentation: those who are seen and those that go unnoticed. The Christmas tree, the crib, the ornamentation on the table, will help create a warm and consistent with dates. Another small strategy that will help harmonize the stick little pieces of paper under the table, where we write the wishes of peace, love, happiness, well being, for example: that reigns today harmony. They can be located strategically where people will sit the more confrontational (and including being custom) or place for each guest cores designed by the person himself and placed under the dishes, they also give good results.
8. - Cooking with Love: Often comic festivities cause stress, increased nervousness and insecurity among the people responsible for preparing and forget to put the magic ingredient in our pot. As we have already said, the power of thought is enormous and we must use it for our own benefit. It is felt while we cook, we take the love (as we would salt) an imaginary bottle and is consciously placed in each dish prepared. We can also draw a discreet heart in each bottle of wine and champagne will be consumed to reduce their harmful effects.
9. - View the result: Before the meeting to take place we can conduct a little meditation or exercise of concentration in which we try to visualize the final result of the banquet, the whole family happy and in harmony. View is a way to approach the future we want. To obtain good results in practice there are two previous assumptions needed: Believe in what is done and escape the tyranny of facts (marked by the negative experience of previous years which we assume that the situation will be the same). This year will be different, it is the message.
10. - Good wishes: To complete the Decalogue, when the family will be placed at the table, we think each of them for a few seconds and hope that their problems are resolved and that the new year brings prosperity, welfare and happiness. As
learning always comes through practice, I gladly receive, if you wish to share, your experiences. You can write me to explain the result of applying these ten points. I wish you all a Merry Christmas heart and great feasts. Tristan
Llop Talisman and Messages for a New Era
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