Blocking Malkuth on the Tree of the new moon will materialize as we thought at first objective, that is to say, we extend the idea that better be worth something hands ... The trouble is that this attitude will curb our desires to find the causes that help us understand why you are not fit and we easily accept the reality, instead of us mobilize for change. In addition, the quadratures of the Sun, Moon, Mercury and Venus with Pluto we will tend to disorganization. The positive part is that chaos will take us to order ...
To better understand this new moon we will have the help of two geniuses, JELIEL on the physical plane, we talk about fertility, harmony, calm our anxiety states, and Achaiah in what is emotional which brings us patience, it teaches us to learn to shut up and discover the secrets of life through the silent observation and encourages us to fight laziness.
Then you have the program deep inside each of these geniuses, written by Kabaleb.
JELIEL 2 .- (God helping)
For being the No. 2 JELIEL contains all the potential HOCHMAH (Uranus), is the potential of love. JELIEL is a pit of Eternal Love and Wisdom, and those who drink in this well have never thirst. JELIEL appeared in the road when VEHUIAH completed its implementation and the Will immersed in the well of love, and it is transformed into love, that's how Will and Love become one and the same.
JELIEL in these frameworks, manifest this love first, selfless, trying to be helpful at all costs. It seeks to put the love wherever the success of a business can be insured, and for this we receive the proper inspiration, that is to say that we will receive the "raw material" and that that carries JELIEL it settles in the second of our internal Dwellings of the Philosophers, that which fills up we LOVE / WISDOM. If we accumulate in our wallet, that gasoline is so precious, we will become for others a Light, the lighthouse signaling the path to take to achieve their human efforts, their wishes. We will be their welfare, their north, and with us they feel well-being of a "climate" in a pleasant atmosphere (in Earth) exuberant. When
JELIEL reign, we are propelled by an engine called Love / Wisdom.
Engine in its midst, is the Will, as an offshoot of JELIEL VEHUIAH. In his program, we see that it serves to calm the popular sedition. These internal sedition. When the people trained by our internal drives is worried, agitated, evident in the streets of our psychic citadel to claim many things, JELIEL appears and calms. He reassures her as they receive this great peace that allows them to see clearly that all their demands are met. JELIEL knows that everything will be in top one day in the Netherlands, and JELIEL ensure that this "fall down" happens in the best possible terms in a supportive atmosphere, far from any hostile situation.
And also soothes and calms JELIEL because he poured out on people that Peace infinite (attribute of the Supreme Love) that we no longer want what we wanted and they fall into a state satisfactory if they desire nothing else, nothing more than to stay in the magical state produced by drugs of Love. When the Force of Love begins his duties, being the second hierarchy in the eternal values (the first being the Will), everything else is subordinate, and the first forces into submission will be negative forces, such as injustice .
For this reason JELIEL gives victory over injustice, the unfair situations that we are forced to live. The death of injustice is the natural consequence of the arrival of the reign of love. Hochmah represents the primal woman, that named Aisha in the Bible supporting the Will. The union of Kether Binah with Hochmah born, and through it all Humanity.
We know that Kether and Hochmah are one. Christ was often repeated throughout his teaching. Therefore, when JELIEL Hochmah representative, is active, it unifies the two internal aspects within us, the two figures symbolized by the Moon and Sun. And so we see in its program the restoration of peace between the spouses and marital fidelity, because having found our inner unity, we will project outside this unit and we will agree well with the person who is the image external image we have within us.
The program informs us of the influence that engineering has on the animal kingdom. Obviously the generation of these beings would not be possible without the cooperation of the male part shown (in that it has important) by VEHUIAH with the feminine represented by JELIEL And given that both represents JELIEL parties because he can not do so prior VEHUIAH has not acted, the appearance of this force means fertility, fertile nature, from which will spring, in time, the people who elect to self-expression by the Canal. From the perspective of divination, the appearance of JELIEL does not necessarily mean that the person will immediately have many children, but simply that his nature is fruitful and that it can be.
JELIEL rules over the kings and princes, says its program. In our inner nature, Kether is the King and Prince is Hochmah, and since JELIEL is the representative of one or the other, he is also in the outer life. Will is sovereign, it is the King, and Love, the first emanation of the Will, is the son of the King, that is to say the Prince. King and Prince are the points departure of all that exists: it is from them that the orders come from, and which should be completed by the servants of the King-Prince. And so his appearance will tell us that something is now beginning to start our life as nothing happens in our lives without the Presidency-direct VEHUIAH JELIEL.
People will JELIEL influenced by the spirit of playfulness and fun ways, says the program. Top JELIEL is placed in Hochmah and since such a height, we contemplate the prodigious life as a game, exciting. These people, influenced by JELIEL, not living material reality and, therefore, problems (in case they have) they do not cause too much trouble. They will never be in conflict, and problems that could happen to them by other aspects of their birth, can be easily solved because the upper world is that of solutions.
Their passion for sex, reported in the program will be passionate about what sex a positive and creative, because he has a body of alliance with God, because through him, his function, increasing the divine work, amplified, so that these people could become the Patriarchs, creators of large families.
Counterfeiting JELIEL
of the Abyss The JELIEL inspires, however, a taste for celibacy and for bad manners mentioned the Program. Let us not forget that Luciferians downgraded their level of development, specifically for refusing to reproduce, have children, thereby expanding the work of Creation. Celibacy is thus the first attack against the cosmic organization, even if some people are already above that kind of work and come into the world exempt from these duties. However, this exemption is quite exceptional.
In general those who choose celibacy act in reverse of the normal and natural. The Bachelor excludes "other" that is in its interior and is reduced to half of himself. And not only single person who lives alone, but also one who married, "doing the right thing" for not having children. They are the single worst, because life has placed them in a situation where having children is normal and natural, but they refuse to have, for convenience.
Bad manners are those who oppose the cosmic parameters. A fault is never alone with him is a result bad one, containing the individual in a sort of cobweb of mechanical behavior, where it will come out easily. The energies that we will not assume JELIEL enter Malkuth, and it will establish a situation where the only outcome will be the separation of husband and bad manners, will be a mandatory ritual in view of the surrounding conditions. It was then that individual, isolated, enclosed in nets of perversion, sigh a day for the fountain of Love that is within his reach and power of the High JELIEL to grant the repurchase of its situation lamentable.
Angel # 7 : ACHAIAH (Good God and Patient)
By being the number Seven, ACHAIAH participating in work training
Sephira Netzach in our inner nature and our place in Philosopher's Residence No. 7 this substance named Patience, who is that which leads us to discover the secrets of Nature. By studying the dynamics of Engineering, we will study the function of Patience in the process of foundation of the universe.
Patience is a virtue that not only produces passivity, resignation in the face of adversity, but it is mostly a highly active and creative force that gives us a different way the problems we have to solve, which provides new solutions. Speaking of Patience of ACHAIAH, we can open the book of Job, Patience real treaty, and we will see how Job, from a state of revolt against what was happening, research the causes, reasons, led him to where he is. The book is interacted with three friends, who are emerging to help Job to discover the truth. These three friends are internal ones Patience arouses in us, and our dialogue with them will lead us to discover the truth.
Patience in the history of Job is the thread that lead us to a balanced view of things at the same time to discover the secrets of Nature. If we sit in front of a bush and if we see growth, ideas form in which we give meaning to what we see and we do understand. Patience is, therefore, a science, a virtue formed by the host of ACHAIAH instilling constant information on the secret nature. This host acts only when our attitude is wait and that we expect something: waiting for a train, plane, waiting for a speedy recovery of health, when we are decimated by the disease, waiting for happiness ; of appeasement; waiting a positive start to our destiny that we can throw at a target.
If we store important slash of Patience in the Abode
Philosopher Correspondingly, we can take advantage of "slip," Crossing the empty existence of intermediate states between two streams of activities to discover the secrets of Nature, instead of dry existential failures without our mentality could bring forth the light of the solutions.
It influences the propagation of light and also industry, says its program. We saw in the previous study of engineering that is synonymous with understanding light, of understanding. And, obviously, we can not spread the understanding of things if we ourselves do not understand. ACHAIAH us to spread what we know, the externalization of our knowledge, to share with others and create the machinery that is designed to accomplish, to industrial levels, this broadcast. When we become authentic machines spread of learning determined, the material that makes this release is an extraordinary extent. This procedure was necessary to invent the printing press, and printing is our understanding that the spread things becomes an imperative need. In this sense we can say we are creators of progress, every time we shoot our desire to know, to others, the results of our internal research. This desire has created the modern industry, and industrialized countries are those in which the subject feels the need for communication, and countries without machines are those that have nothing to say, nothing to communicate.
The person born under its influence, love learning about everything that is useful and it will get the glory by performing difficult tasks, and discover many useful methods to the art and craft, said the Program. Netzach, in the building which contributes ACHAIAH governs the five senses, and hence the taste for schooling. Taste we can know things by their taste for the pleasure we experience in the tasting, so the legions who work with the Engineering also produce this fuel called taste, which arouses the appetite for what we are rehearsing. From our point of view of human progress, what will he, foremost, seek to understand? Undoubtedly he will understand what is useful to our progress, that is to say that illuminates our path, while this will be useless shadows disorder and confusion.
When we study the virtues of ACHAIAH, careful reflection on what is useful and what is useless, in philosophical terms. The entire universe is perfectly articulated, and thus a piece for understanding the function of the next. This statement piece by piece, is a direction we might call useful.
ancient esoteric teachings do not allow this joint, they proceeded by successive flashes. Illumination of a specific space, illumination and then another space, and so on. It was a disjointed education. Only what is consistent can be useful. In any construction supports the following piece, in an endless process.
Program speaks, after obtaining the glory by performing heavy work. Meditate on this question of hard work. Why a job is difficult? Probably because we never realized, or rarely. The easy jobs are those that are listed, those that fall within the scope of routine, we systematized to force them and repeat them and thereby no longer any difficulty. While a difficult job is the one that opens up new paths, which explores what had not been explored, that that touches something that has not been resolved. It is a highly creative work, hence the glory, the emotional and mental excitement, because the routine work produces no glory.
ACHAIAH Let us say that arouses in us a desire to open new horizons, new paths to point to intelligence. The discovery process varied and useful to the art and craft, is nothing else than the result of the implementation of this new and difficult work. Gradually, as we build the world, we create new problems and new solutions we provide. Forces serving ACHAIAH give us the ability to discover.
In the days and hours of Regency ACHAIAH it vulnerable in us discover what is useful to Art Major, one to install the light where darkness reigned. Part
otherwise ACHAIAH
Genius opposite is the enemy of light, overlooking the negligence, laziness, carelessness in the studies, told the program. Patience of active idleness there is only one step. A step which is to disable the inside; cease to be alert and put the rest in a state of mind. The ACHAIAH of the Abyss uses laziness as a weapon penetration in us. When we refused Patience, who comes from on high, having failed to see the creative aspect and discovery, then laziness confirms our views, telling us in some way: "You were absolutely right , my boy, to say that patience is useless! You see that patient is doing nothing and letting time pass in vain, and wait for the fruit falls at Roast "... fruit that will never fall for that matter, neither of your tree or elsewhere.
It is worth further reflection on the difference between being in a state of patience or in a state of laziness. In any case, the student must understand clear that that laziness is a strength that comes from the abyss, and if our muscles are paralyzed, so numb our sensitivity, blunted, if your head does not respond to incentives around us is that are visited by ACHAIAH of the Abyss. The antidote is to always use the full capacity of drives engineering
to Top up, or store them for later use.
Being the enemy of enlightenment means to be the enemy of understanding of things
"What do you mean?" Do not want to hear, not wanting to understand, because, perhaps, understanding we would act against our "sacrosanct" or our pleasures "sacrosanct" habits. Many people insist on not wanting to see things as they are, not wanting to hear new ideas, new feelings, new situations that life creates progressively. All these people suffer the influence of ACHAIAH of the Abyss. Their failure to understand that they want to be left out of positions of progress, the outposts of the human adventure. The carelessness vis-à-vis education and neglect in general, are consequences of their enmity for the Light.
Kabaleb and Trsitan Llop, Angels and Messages for a New Era
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