Blocking Netzach on the Tree of Life of the new moon will we have a tendency to watch us navel, we will miss the thrust and energy. Furthermore, squaring the Sun and the Moon with the Ascendant indicates that between words and facts there will be a great distance. It will be difficult to agree with our consciousness the outer personality. The positive part is that the lack of external movement should take us to a deepening in relations with our inner personality ...
To get it we will have the help of two geniuses, Vehuel the emotional, that speaks of grandeur and elevation Habuhiah in physics, which brings healing. The first unit and Netzach Hochmah, love and beauty and self-understanding. And second, Yesod and Gueburah, imagination and strength. They will facilitate the path to spiritual growth and they will tell us how to heal ourselves, change our tone vibration to feel better and be able to see life from a new perspective. If we get it, all crises will disappear from our lives.
Then you have the program deep inside each of these geniuses, written by Kabaleb .
49 .- VEHUEL
VEHUEL Engineering 49, is the first of the Choir of Principalities and deals in Netzach issues related Hochmah. VEHUEL place in our Philosopher House No. 49 this species named elevation or grandeur. The previous
Engineering ( Mihael ) projected a desire to his lowest point production for the generation, the generation, the Choir of Principalities working under the orders of Netzach / Venus, sefirah whose function is to develop the germ of human thought, in view of its location in Malkuth, our material world. This germ contains material from our Inner Divine and our Self-Emotive. These program experiences that come from on high need to purchase a Mental Health, and the principalities are responsible for creating the seed will seed this form. In developing this seed-seed VEHUEL is the first into action, and the first thing he does is to rise to greatness, to the Eternal Wisdom Hochmah, to draw inspiration to carry out its work. In each of the choirs of angels, the first has a direct relationship with Hochmah, the Centre of Love / Wisdom, and for this reason that when we start a specific job, elevation occurs automatically, II s' acts by the transition that goes from Desire, expelled by Mihael, professional work and, therefore, in ordinary life when we decide not to act motivated by a desire, a rise occurs within us that connects us to Love / Wisdom Hochmah.
Let us say that when VEHUEL takes office, during the days and hours of his command, he to penetrate into our mansion Philosopher that essence that elevates us and allows us to leave behind us the desire for power and consciously dedicate ourselves to work to locate on land, rationally, which is in force in our sky.
Contact people influenced by VEHUEL will be favorable for our inspirations, our elevation to the Divine Thought, and our distance from the grip of desires. They are a perfect antidote against the passions and instincts, they will not need to lecture us, their presence alone is sufficient for us tamed. A day will come when society will develop in the auspices of cosmic forces, where they will be asked to act in the social rehabilitation centers for drug addicts, and all those who suffer the rigors of misguided desires, so that when they touch they can ascend to the realm of innocence, the Kingdom of Wisdom. This
Engineering serves to exalt to God to bless and glorify Him when we are touched
admiration for him, "said Program. God, our God within, which is the spark of Divinity that Cosmic has placed us at the beginning of Creation, is the first cause of everything that happens to us. But his plan, throughout our development, while passing through our centers inside, it becomes diluted, is stirred to such an extent that finally it is unrecognizable.
to exalt God's return to the primary source to receive information about the thread that we lost. So we interact with our divinity, which explains the meaning of what happens to us, the result of deformations that his plan has suffered during its journey to its location in the material world. And while we understand the deeper meaning of the experiences we have had and we can change course, take the right direction and straighten all that we had twisted. Knowledge, when it comes to suddenly, like a cry inside, because we often strong emotion and tears. The internal heat, that the presence of divinity within us leads, heats our water, raises the tone of our desires and leads us to glorify, plaiting a crown of laurel in the divine wisdom that dissolves our worries, our problems. VEHUEL reveals God the Creator, and we never doubt that it is the root cause of our life. This
Engineering dominates the major characters, and all those who rise and are distinguished by their talents and virtues, "said the Program. When Solomon asked for wisdom, the Lord replied he would give everything else in addition! And same goes for all those who abandon the impulse of desire for exaltation to the throne of wisdom, they have the plaudits of the world, society and turn them into great people, because by their very nature they are already great, and they will be recognized without the need to be established artificially on a high office. Where points are governed by VEHUEL transited by planets, or when the New Moon falls on these points, the major characters emerge from the earth's crust, but mostly they emerge within us, to place on our throne inside the Great Character we carry within us: yes, our virtues and talents will surface!
The person born under this influence will be sensitive and generous soul and will be estimated for all good men for their virtues and benefits, it will be distinguished in the literature, case law and diplomacy, the program concludes . Worldwide Training, where VEHUEL is active, you write the facts that will occur, and those that occur in the present. Are specifically responsible for these writings, Archangels serve Hod / Mercury, but principalities and Netzach are the inspiration of these writers. They are the ones that generate the seeds of writing and we could say that VEHUEL is the great initiator of this generative, who wrote the first chapter of a seed that will germinate and produce a lot of great writers.
For this reason VEHUEL when he projects onto the physical reality, produce very talented writers, avant-garde writers, perhaps not in the way of literary criticism rather well disposed to rate aberrations as the texts' own lofty souls. The writers of VEHUEL open new paths to understanding, speaking with clarity of this Wisdom / Love contained in Hochmah / Uranus. They also shine in the field diplomacy, which is also a gift from Hochmah. Diplomacy, that is to say the art of knowing how to say things with love, and present them so that the partner feels luckier than ourselves. This has nothing to do with the diplomacy of governments which is the art of deceiving the enemy about the true intentions which is a.
And, too, favored VEHUEL be distinguished in the case by the fact that the World of Education is governed by Binah (`by what is the third worlds), which is the source of all Cases, and the World Education is externalized, in fact, divine justice is a seed in the World Fumes, she is internalized in our feelings in the world of creation and flourished in the World Training. VEHUEL is the first stage of the bloom, and it is the premiere, the flower bud which contains Justice in its perfect purity, and so therefore, people born under this influence will establish the doctrine of Justice, Divine Decisions they will be righteous among the righteous, and that virtue is expressed by its behavior: the case will be in them. Looking for native VEHUEL, if we have lost the sense of what is right, because they do us the power to be righteous.
It is normal that people are so influenced by VEHUEL estimated ? Yes. Behind them, prints of kindness, indelible impressions of works fair and well made. Their history is engraved in the Air, an active element in the World of Education and will be there, available to all who have the ability to play in this "Book" is a compilation of Justice, Diplomacy and Love, who speaks Elevation of size. Search VEHUEL in his hours and his days, and ask him to dump fluids into your interiors. You can then go beyond the desires and the size will be at your fingertips.
Engineering contrary
Genius otherwise affects men selfish, overlooking the hatred and hypocrisy, told the program. The Love Hochmah, multiplied by Netzach, the lowest of séfiras Right turns into hatred when it comes to the Netherlands, in reverse. It is a hatred that comes from love and whose intense aspiration is to return to the Love that has engendered. Similarly, hypocrisy is a degeneration of diplomacy, and diplomacy practiced by the chancery is a hypocrisy not paid. A person under the influence of Engineering of the Abyss will be distinguished in the literary field, but his inspiration will be in the shallows, and its characters are killers, shady characters, full of hatred, selfishness. These writers may receive the Nobel Prize, and will be celebrated worldwide, and it is normal because the world today celebrates the more gladly that comes down to what comes from above. The selfishness of VEHUEL of the Abyss is the consideration that opposes the feeling of fraternity that says we are one and the other is full of myself. Whoever obeys the bottom of Engineering, said that it is him and nobody else and, therefore, seek his personal property, personal pleasure, his particular benefit.
HABUHIAH Engineering 68, is the fourth Chorus of Angels and he deals in Yesod issues related Gueburah. HABUHIAH place in our Philosopher House No. 68 this essence called Healing. The gift
qu'HABUHIAH we offer is that of instilling in us the principles that we will maintain good health. It is the gift from Gueburah, which has a lot of responsibility for the loss of health, because it is the sefirah who, as executor of Jupiter, is that desire is rooted in us, a Desire without rules and without law, which, Once installed in our inner nature, is sucking everything on the outside, making favorable satisfaction of that desire. But Gueburah / March is also the executor of the orders of Binah / Saturn and, as such, he is responsible for entering into the Act desires.
March / Gueburah in this last speech, before an experiment ordered by the ego does not lead to Malkuth place in us the ability to regulate our desires, to order, to fit the cosmic dynamics. For the recovery of health depends on it: the adjustment to God's standards, seamless integration of our functions the cosmic machine. If we study modern machinery parked in our workshops, we will see that some parts are fundamental and others are not, there are parts which, if they do not perform their functions properly, everything else is defeated, and others, complementary, even if they work less well, anything can go, these are parts of coaching, to adorn the machine sometimes, but a little margin of operation. Therefore, regarding the maintenance of machinery, some parts are more demanding than others, and maintenance workers know very well what parts they must treat more specifically.
I indicate this example, to say that for health, the rules are not equal for all. Scoundrels authentic revelers revelers permanent, live in a perfect state of health, while virtuous people are sick constantly. How is it possible for me so virtuous - say those involved - I'm still sick, while many others, real villains are still in good shape? The answer is that these scoundrels are fundamental parts; here.
It often happens that some people suddenly rise from above their ordinary level, they choose the path of spirituality, become light for others, but yet they are reluctant to relinquish the privileges of their lives before conversion: they are placed in the gears as cosmic fundamental pieces, but their behavior is always the parts of the second order. This phase shift between what they want to be and what they are, produces alterations in their health and HABUHIAH handles make them understand. Or they will receive any of its parts and the treatment thereof, or they occupy key points of the mechanics and will undergo special treatment. Being Dr. Jekyll when he emerged, and Mr. Hyde when it's dark, always leads to dire consequences for health.
When making the ascent of the Holy Mountain of Knowledge, new melodies spring, gradually, new rhythms, new messages that bring new life forms, new ideas, new feelings. The texture of this spiritual ascent can be compared to an LP record, where each LP expresses part of the melody, and we can not hear the music of the last furrow, at the same time as the first. If the musician that is in us playing two songs at the same time, one of high inspiration and the other sensual with lots of rock and batteries, the sound of this second stifle the first, and our body will not withstand such a concert. You can not walk on one foot with one foot on the mountain and the other in the valley, because in this case of very great difficulties will arise.
HABUHIAH talks about all these things. It restores our health, not telling us the tablets or pills that we take, but by showing us the tone in which we live to be in order with the universe: the secret of good health is there, and all the rest are just cautery on a wooden leg, of patching that will more or less, but ultimately not used to much, and everything will remain as it was. Live integrated position that suits us, means to receive maintenance services that meet our condition and our tasks, from the cosmic workers, while if we are out of place that suits us, or in two places at the same time, repair services that we receive will not be appropriate.
HABUHIAH But does more than provide information on conservation principles 1ES health and healing. This engineering sustains us, supports all of our lives when we broke the rules of good living, and thus it was found that persons from the data of medicine should be dead, they are alive, waiting for a reaction salutary. The "influenced" by HABUHIAH retain their health against all odds, so to speak. Therefore seeking health days and hours chaired by the Engineer, without expecting miracles free, but the communication of knowledge that will enable us to live in harmony with the universe, according to the place we want to occupy. This
Engineering serves to maintain health and cure diseases, said the Program. It dominates the agriculture and fertility. The person born under this influence loves the countryside, hunting, gardens and everything that relates to agriculture.
hunting that man is fond of HABUHIAH domestic animals, name that is given in esoteric jargon, to entities working in the Abyss, which are those who, with their impulses, we are building the world upside down and take us away from the place we should occupy, turning us into an anomaly and, therefore, pushing us toward illness and premature death. When this inner hunting does not occur, appears the figure of the hunter who hunts out the animals he has not driven in, and a dynamic development, in which the self-LORD draws attention to the need to hunt within and not outside.
love of nature is a condition inherent to those who live a natural life, the one who conquers the level of lily of the valley and which is installed in order, to the right place that corresponds to it according to its level of evolution. Cities, modern Babylon, represent that which has ceased to function naturally, without any possible remedy. The outer city is in analogy with each of the citadel animistic, with its red light district, its rich areas and slums, with as dirt, poverty, pollution. After the citizens of this city, one day we feel the need to run away in the countryside, which is a space where you can build a new culture, a new civilization. Love for what is natural for open spaces, that HABUHIAH place among its customers led them to populate empty spaces, to plant ideas in open spaces, feelings, concepts consistent with the parameters universal.
Engineering And in these cases, is responsible for making fruitful this divine culture, and ensure that these seeds are scattered over the whole Earth. The "influenced" by HABUHIAH will thus have clearance for a work, a work that soon more or less to develop according to its importance, as if for a lettuce harvest must wait for a lunar month, for a Cedar Lebanon protects us from the shadow it takes several years. If the man HABUHIAH plant crops that need to survive, he must work very, very long time without losing patience. Whoever is unable to put their hands in the dough, will not be more than just a lover of landscapes, a Sunday stroll, with its symbolic garden, but no real case.
Engineering contrary
Genius otherwise dominates the sterility it causes famine and plague, and it affects insects that are harmful to productions of the earth told the program. The Genius d'en Bas induces us to lead a double life, be in two places at once, and we are not owners of one or the other, and we, therefore, private space for develop our culture. Foreigners, outcasts, exiles, wherever we were, we would be excluded from the cosmic distribution of food and we will stay with the same ideas and with the same feelings, that will eventually rot within us, and cause all sorts of epidemics and infections. The Plagues of Egypt we fall on the head until we could restore legality in us, and so return to our homeland to occupy the place that Binah granted us at birth to develop our creative powers.
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