a day like today, there are over two thousand years, Christ is Risen, a very high soul who came to incarnate on earth to give us instructions, the main one is this: Working with Love ...
As we are a little hard sheet, to understand, yet we walk behind the Master's words, without really understanding their meanings and apply them without knowing our life.
The other day I was walking on the Bach de Roda Bridge (by architect Calatrava) with my wife and she asked me if we could define simple manner the meaning of life. I told him that for me, life is a sum of events that allow us to accumulate experiences. Then we bring the abstract or epitome of these experiences to our Higher Ego (the head inside) and it returns us again to life.
But how do you know the direction we give to our life is correct, and if that is what our ego wants? It is very easy to know, if we follow the right path, things will lead naturally good. If we are treading a wrong path, they will go wrong and the error (or pain) will make us realize that we were wrong, then we will correct that.
And how to avoid the karma will take us to the painful experiences? Following one of the lockers has proclaimed the Master Jesus Christ: Do good without looking at that, this way you shall plant a good relationship and that is what you will reap later. We can deduce here that doing good is far beyond a simple moral rule and it is a matter of pure logic.
Back to what brought me to write this, the need for change. The resurrection of Christ within us all year, offers us the opportunity to plant a new seed in our spiritual life, to focus things (albeit in a small area of our lives), in a different way.
Now that we go through especially difficult times for many people and that the crisis offers us the opportunity to change our behavior and habits, I propose that we start work now.
To give an example, my wife and I we proposed a series of changes (which we have already begun to implement) practical. We generally look at a series of television before going to bed, we stopped and we will do all to read in bed, we are also to go to bed earlier. In the morning we also decided to get up one hour before to have time to meditate, relax us (to work with the Angels) and scheduling the day and start with a lot of energy. In addition, we noted in the agenda planning for the week and on Sunday we review the deviations that occurred during the week to see if we can meet our goals.
These are small changes I will tell you as examples and I invite you to use the energy of Aries (the offeror) to perform the changes necessary to cope with new circumstances and change the things that you do not like.
I wish you good changes and I welcome your comments on the blog.
Tristan Llop Angels Messages and Talismans for a New Era
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