Fire Signs Fire is Aries, Leo and Sagittarius, so that those who are born from March 21 to April 20, from 23 July to 23 August and 23 November to 23 December They belong respectively to the three signs ...
The essential characteristic of temperament Fire, is the lively, quick glare, exuberant vitality that makes these children stand out, which leads them to want to be first in everything that 'they participate, are studies or games. These are the ones who first raise their hand to give a response, or by not precise, they are most active in games, and if they can not play a stellar role, they give up, and they develop a marginal activity.
When, in the classroom, they will find a teacher with whom they are not in affinity and tends to ignore them, they cease to be interested in school and they become a student of conflict, because they try attract the attention of his companions in other ways, seeking the punishment that will transform them into marginal stakeholders. If they can not be the first in the order they will be in disorder and the family will, dismay, as a boy or girl so awake, so alive, so participating in its natural state, returns home with notes deplorable. Temperamento El Fuego
necesita el cual ante público a actuar. If no lo tiene, el Fuego y desea controlar el niño acurruca is a Rincon, the hopes that the yoke función.
Temperament Fire needs an audience before which to act. If it has not extinguished the fire and the child crouched in a corner until the function starts.
Water Signs Water are Cancer, Scorpio and Pisces, so that those born from June 22 to July 22 of October 24 to November 22 and February 20 to March 20, they belong respectively to these three signs.
Temperament Water gives power to the feelings, emotions, making the latter group is the most complex of all the zodiac animals, because if the planets form astral card bad aspects, the phenomena appear as shyness, jealousy, envy and any class of complexes. If the tonic of Fire is to attract attention, that of Water: to be loved, to enjoy the esteem of those with whom they must coexist. A child born under the signs of water will need much more cuddles than another, and when they pass a soap, they affect each other much. It is in this group that locates the drama of these students who come to the critical points before the time of having to give a disgust to his parents by providing them with notes that do not satisfy them.
The World of Water is the world of silence and many of those born under these signs are silent, keeping emotions inside until comes a time when they overflow and then they are capable of great violence.
In his school life, they will be capable of a great application if they find a professor who certifies its sympathy, affection, because they will then release their science where you have to please this teacher idolized, they fall in love frequently and experiencing great tragedy, in which mixed poetry and passion. But if the teacher is indifferent, it will be the students who will be silent in the middle, never distinguished.
In family life, child-water must be treated with special consideration because they cause any more impact and they carry the emotions with great sensitivity. Delicate, sensitive and capable of achieving the greatest sacrifices and most sublime acts of selflessness.
Children Libra, Aquarius and Gemini are Air. Consequently, those born from September 24 to October 23, from 21 January to 19 February and 21 May to 21 June, they belong to these signs.
The Air's intellectual temperament, so that children of Air are the smartest, most people who use reason and are able to draw conclusions from the premises specified. They are intended to occupy the top positions in the class. They are such good children's classics with corresponding glasses, while his companions that play, they revise the election or read a book. They are those that give greater satisfaction to parents who expect good grades from school. By cons, on the emotional level, they will not show love as do his colleagues Water.
These are children who will learn everything with ease and mixed with students from Water and Fire will have to wait that they understand, so that others require a ballast to prevent their flying rapidly towards higher peaks . In general, these are low-conflict children, who quickly understand what is expected of them and do to live in peace and to follow their plan.
Perhaps these qualities do not occur the early grades, but when they reach the age of the bachelor, his potential will be revealed and they will shine a bright light. They are children to be leaders of society.
Children of Earth
Children are Earth: Capricorn, Taurus and Virgo, so that those born from December 22 to January 20, from 21 April to 20 May and 24 August to 23 September, they belong these signs and develop a temperament Earth.
They are slower to mature, but part of those who are called to be first. Quality Earth being cyclically between functions which in the end, does not manifest itself during the early years, and the child lives as if the world was not dangerous, as if everything that happens does not concern him. For him, what he said sounded Chinese teachers, and moms complain "My child can not understand, he does not understand." They should not worry because of this, because what happens is that the boy is already wise, he has developed in other lives that knowledge, nothing new to offer, and safely when he reaches adulthood, he will be moved to the top positions, because it develops a great sense practice, which is the quality he still acquire, and will know immediately what to do to be an entrepreneur or leader of a political party. In addition, it will be in contact with a number of friends higher up, and they give him a hand. Those of temperament Earth did not need to learn theoretical lessons because they have already learned, and will in practical life, they develop what talent they are inside.
In family life, his practical skills will be highlighted, and this will be the children who arrange devices decomposed those who have a special talent to build cabins, set up tents in camping and solve any practical problems that arise.
Therefore each time should receive special education which will develop its qualities from those who already have. But human beings are too occupied with the technical progress, and very few human aspect. Now, in the doors of the third millennium, all this begins to change and education will cease to be competitive and meet the children by temperament and not just by age or close to home at school. For their part, parents also try to know their son better and stop them require a fixed yield.
Kabaleb Angels and Messages for a New Era
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