If we indulge in the crisis, depression, weakness, the harvest will be very sad. By cons, even if things go wrong, we begin to plan how to get out of the storm, if we visualize a wonderful result for our actions, if we respond to bad weather with a smile, the results we will achieve will be extraordinary.
To achieve this objective we will have the help of two geniuses, Leuviah the emotional and Hel-Iah in the physical. The first unit Saturn and Jupiter, the standards and the power and the second Mercury and Venus, the fund and the external form. They offer us the opportunity to do things properly, following the standards but we see limited by them, taking into account the fund, but without forgetting diplomacy.
Then you have the program deep inside each of these geniuses, written by Kabaleb.
Angel # 19: LEUVIAH God hears sinners
LEUVIAH Engineering No. 19, is the third Throne and he deals in BINAH, issues related to Hesed. LEUVIAH place in our House # 19 Philosopher named this essence INTELLIGENCE OR EXPANSIVE grow. It is intelligence that grows in us, which bears fruit, fruit which bear the seeds of a New Intelligence, broader, more universal. When the tree grows and grows Intelligence in us, we have plenty more intelligence, because it will suffice to eat the fruit (that is to say apply intelligence to human action) to obtain new seeds and plant them power back into our human earth. Apply
divine intelligence, is the work to be performed during the days and hours LEUVIAH. Apply it means carrying the thought to his last physical instance, what do you think, instead of just keep in mind, so sterile. This engineering is to obtain the grace of God, says the program. God gives his grace in different points, and is expressed by several Wizards, but the grace that comes to us through LEUVIAH is that of works produced with this Intelligence which we discussed in the preceding paragraph. If we use this fuel in our daily work, God will send us his forgiveness for the atrocities we have committed in the past, because nothing is also pleasing to the deity, to our inner divinity, our good disposition to work, and the use of its species for practical implementations. The laws that improve the living conditions of prisoners who work (and reduce time in prison) are inspired by this part of the cosmic dynamics.
The first work to achieve with the Intelligence LEUVIAH must have our own client as I, or ego-Superior. We must create this Intelligence in our own internal dynamics so that our behavior is consistent with the universal movement. Our intelligence must submit our feelings, in storage, orchestrate, to make sure they are contributing to the realization of our inner divinity program. Engineering dominates this memory and intelligence of man, said the program. This domination of the memory we must understand it as a service that performs LEUVIAH, and of placing in our present everything is in analogy with what we are doing and that is part of what we experienced in In the past, and in order that we can apply the results of a past, the fact now.
tank our memory is in Binah, and Binah is a center dominated Number 3 by the aspect of our divinity house that appears in the Bible under the name of Jehovah or Yahweh. Time and again, scientists have tried to discover in the physical brain, where memory space installed, and never get there because the memory has no physical location and it is integrated with our Spiritual I In our ego, which gives us whenever it is useful to provide us, given what we're doing. Points will therefore LEUVIAH Doors by which memory will fit. Those who have lost their memory, amnesia, may recover when a force on the global password points. And we remember what we have forgotten that we lost, we will invoke LEUVIAH in the days and hours, and the memory comes back very quickly. Individuals affected by this engineering will have a remarkable memory and, in a society where the memory is glorified (reviews, competitions ...), they will privileged. LEUVIAH is the Guardian of the Gate archive Akasa, where the memory of past lives. If we invoke this purpose, it can open our ancestral past to memory, allowing us to remember what we once were.
person who is born under this influence will be friendly and cheerful, modest in his words, and simple in his manner, it must bear adversity with resignation and patience, "says the Program. LEUVIAH therefore gives a cheerful and helpful nature. Here we find the characteristics of Jupiter / Hesed, together with those of Binah / Saturn (modesty and simplicity). When Saturn is acting alone, the parsimony of words and gestures of the individual make his influence on those around him is almost irrelevant, because it emits no warmth, and everyone deviates imperceptibly from him. By
cons when Jupiter is associated with Saturn in the personality profile, it seems with this tone of friendliness that appeals and is better able to convey or explain the Laws of Saturn. The friendliness of the man LEUVIAH serve to remind people that everyone is indebted to its past and it will not be surprising if the blows are coming. And, given that the example is a thousand times more effective than words, the person itself, to bear adversity with patience and resignation. Friendliness
thins communication between people and generates at the same time, kindness in the recipient, because moods are communicative act by telepathy and is the central column Science sociability.
In a society like ours that produces so much stress, if the public knew Astrology Administration, she would choose for counters and for relations with its "customers" of people born under the influence of LEUVIAH, because that 'they would be friendly and playful with the audience. Mild language, reserved and humble, simple, modest, here is another quality conferred by the Engineer. In the manner of expression, some are grandiose, others are dogmatic, others speak in a trickle, as if you do good when they deign to answer questions, and it is very difficult to establish a communicative link with them, because the dialogue is at once a controversy and a lively discussion, and then falls silent partner and / or does not say what he thinks. When the vanity appeared in words, the individual can not find who to contact and must be limited to giving orders, he enters a hierarchical activity and struggle to become the first hierarchy, to convey his thoughts "of superior to the inferior. " And it shall come to later, higher than momentary, spent a lifetime in a lower rank and lose valuable time to swallow karma.
Express modestly, moderately, creates a dialogue with everyone and is an art, because the modest person, and who has knowledge, never boasts of what it knows and that is how everyone has the opportunity to speak with her, each according to his rank and condition. The man LEUVIAH is simple in its way of being and acting. Simple is the opposite of complex, complicated, difficult. And the world is filled with complex characters, complicated and difficult, lying own elephant love and get hurt for anything. Those who swarm around them will be learning a science, it does not hurt that pride in relationships with these people, and to this end they will have to play comedy, look for the words and gestures that complex individual may not, under any circumstances, be considered offensive. The simplicity, cons, allows the establishment of relations without ulterior motives, open to all.
Genius otherwise affects the grief, loss and mortification; it causes depravity and despair. With LEUVIAH of the Abyss everything goes wrong, life becomes difficult, the person loses the joy and playfulness that the Genie Back to confer and find joke mortification. Abandons the life of righteousness and desperately the pleasure that escaped from his character, this delightful character, friendly and charming that it should have internalized the vibrations which come from on High. The individual becomes a libertine and descends gradually to levels lower and lower, until the reaction saving will occur.
Angel No. 62: IAH-HEL Supreme Being
IAH-HEL Engineering No. 62, is the sixth of the Choir of the Archangels and is involved in HOD issues related to Netzach. IAH-HEL in our files Philosopher House No. 62 this species named DESIRE TO KNOW. IAH-HEL Archangel is the latest to open intelligence to the upper world. The seventh and eighth respectively in the work of the Intellect own glory, and the crystallization of ideas in the material world. They are the last of the choir, but the first to act. In order for creativity all starts with what is in last place, and it is the latter aspect of the Godhead, Jehovah, who began the task of creating the world.
IAH-HEL projects its forces to Netzach, and that's where the intelligence did discover the fascinating world of the image. We have already seen, when studying the Sephira Netzach (The Mysteries of God's work) it performs two functions, they realize the Desire World Creations or, as the second ET of this World, and the function of generation in the World Training as YOD of this World. Therefore, Netzach Pilgrim offers contemplation of what the Rosicrucians called Desire World, the Astral World of Theosophists, the World of Creations Cabalist. With the Engineering, Intelligence enters these worlds, and after having contemplated, it is already interested in more features and minutiae of the Physical World, she dodges the questions too down-to-earth to seriously analyze what's inner eye is watching.
The Desire World is the world of images, we said. Here, the material is malleable, formable, and instantly takes the form Desire wants to give it. When Desire exchange, imagination, a faculty of desire, is building a new image and the landscape is changed. That's why, in a changing world, those who dive, those who realize what is known as Astral Travel, often go astray by the fact that the shapes appear and disappear at blazing speeds . To understand what is happening, it is essential to project intelligence. Then understanding will emerge, and understand, hear, that desire is the primary basis of all spiritual progress.
We said that the astral matter takes the form which immediately gives him the desire, and that's not entirely true, because the astral matter is also, subject to the Law of YOD-HE-VAV-HE which requires a desire to be realized or first planted, germinated in the matter of this world, flowers and fruits. That is to say, the desire to persist, repeat until the formation of a mold or form, which will attract all the desires obeying the same inspiration. Thus we give life to forms that remain as they are fueled by the desire of humans but they disappear when the desire that has formed exhausted. We have already discussed this topic quite extensively in my book, published under the title "The Mysteries of God's work" and was also treated by our brother Max Heindel in his works.
IAH-HEL place in the tabernacle which is the essence that allows us to understand the peculiarities World Creations and if we aspire to this understanding, we must search for his days and hours. People are influenced by the Engineering responsible for transmitting this knowledge, especially those who receive the influence of IAH-HEL since his 3rd and 4th degree of manifestation. This
Engineering serves to acquire wisdom, said the program, overlooking the philosophers, visionaries and all those who want to withdraw from the world. The wisdom we are talking about here is that which comes from HOCHMAH and Netzach as VAV externalizes the right column. Wisdom brings this understanding of the causes that produce the effects that the Company is currently experiencing. The little knowledge leads to the Great Knowledge, and so therefore, the species IAH-HEL resulted in addition, a search for knowledge and the individual dominated by this force, eventually give up everything to devote himself fully to the pursuit of knowledge.
The person born under this influence will love the tranquility and solitude, she will perform exactly the duties of his state, and is distinguished by his modesty and virtues, concludes the program. The world is misleading and not by him that we have the knowledge. At this time, 1991, the press, radio, television show groups of people struggling against states, which are integrated to defend other states, smaller, where they were born. And they are convinced of their right, but if we examine their pulses from the perspective of cosmic wisdom, we see that this is not love their "small countries", their land, which weapon their arms, but having been crushed in epochs past, the nation against whom they fight. The karmic effect arises apparently unrelated to the cause that produced it, and if we do not have wisdom from on high, we do not understand. The price of wisdom is the removal of all that is worldly, to see things from a distance.
IAH-HEL, we not only bring wisdom, but also will facilitate the possibility of isolation that will make the acquisition, retirement increasingly difficult to find, and therefore, in the days and hours, the circumstances appear favorable to practice solitude and tranquility that we can search for wisdom. The person will perform exactly the duties of his state, called the Programme. Meaning? We have duties vis-à-vis Family, Society. There is always someone or something that depends on us, and now if one day we decide to abandon the mundane and we go to a quiet place, we can thus harm the interests of other people, and thereby create a karma that will lead us to the opposite what we are looking for, the debt with those who have wronged us, force us to return the world to give them what we've removed them, in embarking on the conquest of wisdom.
IAH-HEL allows us to settle our accounts with them before we embark on the great spiritual adventure. His forces are working to free us from worldly ties that bind us to the physical world to Malkuth, because the Choir of the Archangels is, of course, black and white scenario of our life and looking characters who play different roles, but this Choir of Archangels may even decide to dissolve the company if the needs developments require; always agree with the fate of each of the actors who have a long way with us. We can not aspire to be citizens in the world above, if we are citizens of the world below, but our spiritual quest can not be done by leaving out those who are part of our family.
The person will be distinguished by his modesty and his virtues, "said the Program. Modesty is a virtue that eliminates a lot of tension in social life. When ambition goes, we stop being a threat to those who aspire to the same things as us, because they will not be forced to compete with us to occupy the social position they wish to occupy. And this because in the material world everything is limited and to take possession of a situation we must dislodge its occupant. Modesty releases us from the material world and opens a passage to loneliness, because nobody wants to live with a modest person, a person with no material ambitions. Wanted whoever wins, the hero. The modest attract others like him humble, whose aspiration is to be the last of the row. Modesty is accompanied by other virtues, such as pacifism, the lack of aggressiveness, meekness which Christ spoke in the Sermon on the Mount.
So do not try IAH-HEL in material success, although one should not forget what the Lord said to Solomon, namely, that when we seek wisdom, everything else is offered to us besides. IAH-HEL us to live like the lilies of the valley, quite naturally, and when this state is reached, God feeds us and we dressed magnificently.
Genius otherwise affects everything that relates to the scandal and he dominates the luxury of inconsistency and divorce it causes disunity between spouses, "said the Program. When the desire for knowledge among our feet, the first thing we do is create a center, a headquarters, with beautiful hostesses for advertising, collect as much money as possible, buy a transmitter, and we start with trumpets, drums and trumpets, as are so many American preachers, to earn money with a supposedly spiritual goal, but this Spirituality is the purchase of a yacht or a luxury palace in order to bring together those who wish to accompany us on this adventure. First have money, say these researchers wisdom, the rest we will moreover and it is strictly the absolute opposite of what Yahweh has promised to King Solomon.
But sooner or later occur scandal, because everything will be promoted to the Netherlands will not take long and luxury is something of a passenger. Name of Engineering, with an IOD in the first place and ET in the second, increases and strengthens the union of what is masculine with the feminine, but when it comes to reverse, these forces and there are separate divisions. So Regency points Engineers are points of separation and divorce, when the force between reversed, as is often the case.
Kabaleb Kashiel and Talismans and Messages for a New Era