Sunday, February 28, 2010
Small Boob Support Bra Victoria's Secret
Lots of news at Nid'Ange ...
A new room in the premises of the ADSEA (Green House) WHERE IS IT?
Nid'Ange The program for March is available! (In the section all our dates on the right of the screen)
Thursday, February 25, 2010
80's Male Aerobics Instructor
March 10, 2009 Planet of the Alpha
Wednesday, March 10 at the Town Hall Annex Upper Vernet at 20:30 , the association organizes a Nid'ange briefing with a teacher on "Planet of Alphas", a method that seeks to promote the academic success of all children by providing a simple, effective and fun which greatly facilitates the learning of reading and writing .
"Planet of the Alphas is based upon a fantastic tale in which the hero, the Alphas are characters that have the form of letters and a reason to cast their sound (eg: Mr. O is a character all round who loves to make bubbles quite round, uttering ooh! admiring).
Following their adventures in the Alphas, by building strong emotional relationships with these characters another world, children will intuitively understand how our written code. This method intends to promote the academic success of all children by providing a simple and efficient tool that greatly facilitates learning to read and write.
This method is recognized by UNESCO, receives the endorsement of the Foundation Archives Jean Piaget University of Geneva. "Planet of the alphas" translated into educational practice the latest research advances in this field.
PAF 2 euro =
Wednesday, March 10 at the Town Hall Annex Upper Vernet at 20:30 , the association organizes a Nid'ange briefing with a teacher on "Planet of Alphas", a method that seeks to promote the academic success of all children by providing a simple, effective and fun which greatly facilitates the learning of reading and writing .
"Planet of the Alphas is based upon a fantastic tale in which the hero, the Alphas are characters that have the form of letters and a reason to cast their sound (eg: Mr. O is a character all round who loves to make bubbles quite round, uttering ooh! admiring).
Following their adventures in the Alphas, by building strong emotional relationships with these characters another world, children will intuitively understand how our written code. This method intends to promote the academic success of all children by providing a simple and efficient tool that greatly facilitates learning to read and write.
This method is recognized by UNESCO, receives the endorsement of the Foundation Archives Jean Piaget University of Geneva. "Planet of the alphas" translated into educational practice the latest research advances in this field.
PAF 2 euro =
Monday, February 22, 2010
Do Twins Cause Heavier Implantation Bleeding
is pleased
to announce
republication of
its first LITTLE RED BOOK!
"the little girl who did not sleep"
available at point of sale .... see on the 2nd page Blog
(right column).
ORDER to copy
see column right on this page
or ask
framboise.editions @
also available! (to be discovered on this blog)
Please distribute this information to your friends and acquaintances
and all those accompanying
the child in his act of growing up!
is pleased
to announce
republication of
its first LITTLE RED BOOK!
"the little girl who did not sleep"
available at point of sale .... see on the 2nd page Blog
(right column).
ORDER to copy
see column right on this page
or ask
framboise.editions @
also available! (to be discovered on this blog)
Please distribute this information to your friends and acquaintances
and all those accompanying
the child in his act of growing up!
Thursday, February 18, 2010
Hair Salons Shampoo Sinks
Asleeping difficult, delayed, frequent waking during the night, hard in the morning, restless sleep, fear, nightmares. .. HERE IS INFORMATION ON THE SLEEP OF THE CHILD!
* there is a real deficit in chronic 3 / 4 children (under 10 hours of sleep needed) d where:
- rude awakening
- problems with concentration, attention
- performance degradations
- fatigue, irritability
- hyperactivity ....
* 3 months, 7% of babies have already received a tranquilizer or a sedative! ; To 9 months, 16% regularly consume painkillers! While France is leading Europe to the prescription of tranquilizers or neuroleptics for babies! (Eg cough syrups for calming and sleeping pills!) WARNING! These drugs are potent modifiers of the central nervous system has a fundamental phase of the development of intelligence and personality, they are generating a heavy, deep sleep where dreams do not exist! gold DREAMS ARE NEEDED FOR GROWING : (learn in 2nd page of the blog, THE DREAM LULLABY TO ANNE SYLVESTER): they help to differentiate between the real and imaginary fears of the night helping to support those of the day! (enter the dreams of colors Kayak - emptied o on the 2nd page of the blog!)
* Working hours of parents often force children to get up early.
* increasingly, it is "likely" to involve children in adult out!
* Some parents are very lax about the hours of sunset and sunrise ...
- Hence two principles for a good education in sleep
1 . recover the sleep time (weekends, holidays, nap in the morning when parents are on leave).
2 . establish a rhythm ; follow regular schedules of sleep and get up (to ascertain the biological rhythm that regulates the entire machine - body of the child from conception).
* 3-5 sleep cycles, a cycle lasting about 90 minutes.
- a phase of slow, deep sleep, during which the pituitary gland secretes growth hormone famous also useful for the repair tissues and cells.
- followed by a phase of REM sleep, a period of dreams, nightmares and retention of information acquired during the day .
"When we sleep, we grow
in his body
, and also in his head "
.... it is very important to the explain to your child one day will surely not you ask "but why you should always go to sleep?" (answers as in "Book of Why" ed. Martiniere the youth.)
@ TO TURN UP A GOOD EDUCATION TO SLEEP, THE PR JOUVET - French sleep expert recognized worldwide - delivers essential knowledge .. .
° leaves a very young child
; ; sleep all he wants
° respecting the child's sleep .
° a newborn sleeps 19 hours per day the 1st week. His body produces maximum growth hormone to improve his brain maturation and develop his body. NEVER WAKE ! Phases of disturbed sleep are very normal, waking at night crying is often a sign of hunger.
° to 2 months, episode of the night crying baby = literally "packed" his system arousal and does not know to stop, do not try to console him, but fall asleep at the faster or let it die down only (supporting her cries of protest !)
to 4 - 5 months , sleeps 8-9 consecutive hours ; DO NOT WAKE .... there is no reason to interrupt him in his dreams is his balance is at stake and your future nights! ; Help him distinguish between day and night = sleep to daylight the day and close the shutters when it gets dark . the ritual is very important, it will mark thus preparing the child to sleep (dressing, bath, pajamas, blanket, music .... smooth and quiet). Expressing some anxiety at this age as much in demand by parents, the child has frequent awakenings (shouts, grunts ...) but it has the ability to sleep alone, do not yield, do not take it in your room or in your bed: a serene firmness is desirable, the key is to keep! If he cries, talk - without moving him or behind the door or near the bed but do not take it in your arms. If you find that your baby sleeps well in your presence or if the world around him, it means he is not ready to sleep alone in a room, install rather his bassinet in your room or cons mother's bed, not too early isolation.
° to 1 year The child, who is about to acquire new motor skills, has difficulty sleeping at night, if possible, one hour before bedtime , prefer the calm (en - intrauterine memories, quiet dinner, back massage, rocking rather left that brings security, homeopathy, herbal medicine, music therapy ....)
; * keep it simple: comfortable bed, Lover not hinder movement, ideal room in the heart of the house (see discussion on "room feng shui" in the archives of the blog-October 2009) - Floor insécurisent and hallway! ambient noise is reassuring then that silence is synonymous with anguish, loneliness and abandonment; sleep ritual intended to ward off the anxiety is very high (hand on the arm, thumb, little song, history, hugs, love ...)
° to 2 years, the child - full of personality development - needs to oppose: NOT systematic sleep becomes synonymous with separation: going to bed is separate from adults and friends, hence the desire of the child to delay the time or make it last: Applications wacky confused with the real needs . NOT ASSIGN = cut him the rug out from under him to meet a number of 'needs before it is installed in the bed ... it will be a ritual to protect themselves left alone. CAUTION the child is very sensitive to anything that disturbs its rhythm of life stress, family atmosphere, which left the parents ... it needs to be reassured, comforted.
° to 2 -3 years ... nightmares are common.
° to 6-7years , the child is beset by fears of all kinds (Fear of the dark, robbers, witches, fear going to sleep ...) and he took refuge in their parents' bed! DO NOT LEAVE IT BE!
- The confusion of spaces will lead to a confusion of roles when the child needs order, landmarks, boundaries.
- bring him back in bed (never too late to enact prohibitions and set limits) even if a parent is absent exceptional or particularly if the parents are separated "I'm not there, but nobody can replace me."
- each in its place!
to 3 years the child excited, worried that excessive stimulation in the field of language and cleanliness - he's afraid of wetting his bed and struggle to stay awake - slips into bed with parents, which is a clear manifestation of the Oedipus complex : it seeks to settle BETWEEN parents ... to oust his rival!
- Be clear the incest taboo . " IS PROHIBITED BY LAW TO MARRY WITH HER PARENTS! Life is like a long journey that we would do in a train. For it goes well, you need a place to itself a definite place that nobody has the right to take you. His place in life, it is known in knowing how you stand compared to other members of his family ... we are the son or daughter of his father and mother, son or grandchild - daughter of his grandparents ... everyone has a place and ... so only a small boy can not marry his mother and a daughter with his dad ... and you can not take the place of someone else! " : here are clear and precise explanations that advises Claude Halmos - psychoanalyst -
- hold good, do not accept this situation, help - the sooner to gain independence supreme = sleep alone in bed!
- escort - it in his room, explaining that if mom and dad sleep together because they are married and may find that you do not sleep with your own parents !
- do not agree either that the child falls asleep anywhere ... to avoid sleeping alone in his room, he must accept the separation and get used to sleep in her room
- not to "bed - punishment" : "since you're not wise, go to bed!". ... it gives a negative image of sleep!
to 6 years , the sleep deficit is revealed to the PC! according to the rules of chronobiology, the child is available for learning at specific times. The ideal day: 9 h 30 to 16 h break 11h30 - 14h; school week including Wednesday. Fatigue Factors influencing sleep = school, the winter season .... causes fatigue, depression and seasonal demands sleep longer .... and of course the time changes!
- fairly frequent and disruptive to the parental couple and family balance .. they often involve fathers.
- Do not confuse natural with restless sleep and insomnia and sleep disorders.
° insomnia can be installed during the arousal phase of the 2nd at 3 months and often reveal anxiety or conflict. The role of the mother's emotional state is crucial in the sense of security of the child. The baby should also learn to endure the frustration that will help it grow , That is to say handle discrepancies between his need and satisfaction of this need.
° insomnia in children aged 2 to 6 occur when falling asleep or during night. In general, it is hyperactive night and day (psychomotor or language) or anxious children, anxious, poor parent-child relationship or physical trauma or psychological harm experienced ( hospitalization, separation Non-compliance of biological rhythms, family problems ....) . ESSENTIAL TO ESTABLISHING THE RELATIONSHIP BETWEEN MENTAL AND PHYSICAL (DIALOGUE PLEASE ... SOMETIMES NEED THERAPY).
° the sleepwalking may occur in boys aged 7 to 12 children in particular ... walks in sleep, the escort in bed without speaking to him. It disappears naturally at puberty. Do not worry if These are rare events (this is not a disease) and it is often associated with talking in his sleep and night terrors.
° the night terror often occurs in children aged 3 to 6, normal during this period oedipal. It is a valve that releases excess tension after a hard day at the great learning. It occurs early in the night phase of slow wave sleep and deep. It presents the physical manifestations of Fear (accelerated heartbeat, sweating, nausea, shortness of breath, panic behavior, look terrified, screaming ... but the child is asleep, he does not know where he is, he does not recognize you can not remember nothing, nothing can explain). Do not wake up even if his condition impresses you and useless to talk about the next day. In general, this is an expression of excessive anxiety due to the rhythms of sunrise and sunset irregular sleep deprivation, sensitive periods, difficult. LEARNING TO PUT WORDS ON THE DIFFICULTIES, COMMUNICATE, COMMUNICATE often solves THE PROBLEM.
° the nightmare is common 3 to 6 years of age ... language, development of the imagination. It comes at the end of the night in REM sleep. The child grows screaming, he calls, he wakes up, he has clear memories of what was scared and he has pictures, a story to tell. This is not a disease: the nightmare is normal, necessary for the child he serves to remove the tensions aroused by the excitement of the day, learning and banned the ambivalent feelings he could feel (hate, love, obey, disobey). The nightmare is related to the experiences, events, great emotions, great experiences, this mental activity at night is crucial to psychological development of children. (See video of kayaking on the second page of the blog)
* how to react?
* immediate need to be reassured and comforted (fear of sleep). No scold him, do not punish: "I'm here, do not worry, you're not in danger, you can get back to sleep."
* Let him tell but do not question.
* do not install it in your bed if not nightmare = danger!
share * But do not worry .... but - if you have recurring nightmares associated with conduct disorder (poor appetite, sadness, agitation ...)
* child needs to get rid of it = recounts his nightmare would be the issue or draw (it's part of the bedtime ritual). * few tricks = install above his bed trap dreams as among the Indians! , Tame the witch, dragon, monster, lock up tapes, scary books, watch the child to ward off his fear, scold or make disappear the toys scary dreams offer replacement and not "programmed" her nightmares.
* Around 3 years, the child does not go to bed, he does not sleep, he also wants to sleep in her room because .... is the age where he is assailed pa r the FEARS (black, darkness, fear commonplace in children, fear also supposed dangers hidden in the room - noises, shadows things) ... the child one is anxious, he has nobody to protect him. "Why I'm afraid in the dark?" Responses in "the book of why!" ed. La Martiniere for youth.
* 2 tips:
- take some simple provisions : nightlight, firefly, door ajar on corridor lit, cozy comforter and protector, flashlight ...
- "tame" night: watching the night with your child identify familiar objects in her room after dark, the bring together a walk at night in the house ... and the fears will disappear over the months, including the fear of sleep, not being able to wake up, and fear of dreams and nightmares .... Telling your child about his fears, talk to your child's fears, reassure, and especially do not make fun of him are very beneficial attitudes.
1. create a calm environment : any more excitement around him at least 1 hour before bedtime.
; ; * NO on tv in the room, radio, computer and video games ...
* avoid the practice of physical activity or exciting games on the contrary, bath + quiet dinner, massage, rocking, meditation, quiet atmosphere, quiet games, hugs, story ...
2. create a safe environment :
* Location of the room (see the discussion on "arrange a room feng shui" - weblog archives October 2009) = close to familiar sounds reassuring attention to agonize ... corridors and calls for "live" to make them secure ... with drawings and objects. ideal situation: the heart of the apartment; need for rituals to sleep and sleepiness (history, early music, hugs, kisses, cuddly, 5 minutes of silence hand in hand ....)
3. avoid any disruption : pain, hunger, thirst, cold, hot, no clothes hamper movements ...
4. meet regular bedtimes for not disrupting the child's biological rhythm ; well for signs of sleep expressed by the body and bring awareness to the child: "it's time for bed!" think as a gentle wake-up provides a good sleep!
* put in place as soon as possible true education is essential for sleep.
* be careful the behavior of his child can identify his report to Sleep (deficit or not).
* if despite this, sleep problems exist there is need to consider the temporary difficulties that your child may meet on the stage of development, on your own behavior, knowing that the child is "a sponge"! ONLY YOU PARENTS KNOW YOUR FAMILY HISTORY AND THAT OF YOUR CHILD FROM HER ... THINK DESIGN EVENTS IN PREGNANCY, IN unspoken family secrets (from generation to generation) ... WHICH HAVE "PRINT" THE CHILD AND CAN SPEAK WELL IN THE SLEEP .. . WITNESSES IN THE TRUE STORY OF "THE LITTLE GIRL WHO DID NOT SLEEP" 1ST ... MY LITTLE RED BOOK THAT I HAVE THE PLEASURE TO ANNOUNCE THE NEW EDITION! (order form on this blog-right column - or framboise.editions @ ) think the books are excellent media for communication between parents and children .. . "Words rather than evil"
* Also think alternative medicine: Chinese medicine, homeopathy, osteopathy, fasciatherapy ....
- to What our children dream? - ed. Odile Jacob
- The child and his sleep - ed.robert laffont
to read with children * : Book of why - ed. La Martiniere for youth.
to read with children * : Book of why - ed. La Martiniere for youth.
- stories of school recreation :
Bedtime + max, + it's time to sleep + the bear family and the little night music, + it is a nightmare in the attic, + he is a black rabbit; What + a- there beneath the bed, + you do not sleep, little bear. ** on the second page of the blog (right column - click on "view my complete profile", then down to "my blogs" 2 nd page ) up to the dreams!
@ enter the dreams in color KAYAK, girl manga! (Video)
@ discover LULLABY TO DREAM Anne Sylvestre! A sweet song for ALL KIDS ... know how to sing like the MOMS! .
Monday, February 1, 2010
Taklamakan Desert On The World Map
- how talk varies with age ... with young children, attention to words, phrases, explanations to the flood literally! eg "he's lost my dad," the true story, "- real talk of death to children - from 3rd my little red book published in March 2009 !
down their masks! real talk!
* BEFORE Dolto before the 70s, we did not talk to children, much less babies ... The current theory was this: "it was useless since they did not understand!; Adult cases did not involve children, so" we did not talk to the child, we silent, they said nothing "!
was denying the feelings of children ...
* THEN through Dolto , what father or mother is not known today ' Today that "the baby is a person" , he has a "womb" ., he can be "speaking in utero .".... BUT perhaps without know what that really means.
@ TALK TO A CHILD is the respect, regard it as a full partner.
@ A child that his parents speak, will be built in speech, not hesitating to seek the help they need, which is essential for the image he has, and will later himself.
@ but talk to her child, not to mention wildly, he is telling him what he needs know: there are things that do not concern him, did not interest him and he did not hear.
@ The key is to inform by leaving it at his place of child, talk to him according to his age (words, phrases different (s)).
@ honest, sometimes too say is as toxic as to say nothing! say, it's not all! " Children need the truth right there " Dolto said, "it can not be built on truth, so it is very important to tell him what belongs to SON HISTORY.
BEATRICE @ COPPER-ROYER-psychoanalyst - advises talking to children about what will affect them (eg family event.), What will affect them, have an impact their lives, " not leave them in ignorance " ... when the child is anxious, not knowing pushes him to imagine the worst!
@ the child has a small antenna that know, always guess and foremost what we want to hide ... so that adults are afraid to say to employ "real words" are silent or not telling the truth (on the pretext of protecting the children!). "In one house, said Dolto, children and dogs always know everything , and especially what they do not say, but feels .
@ HALMOS-CLAUDE psychoanalyst child specialist - believes that the child has a sort of "unconscious communication ," an "unconscious knowledge of things" and needs than adults give him permission to speak to the conscious to think and talk about it ... if it is "unbalanced" because "he knows something about knowing (again unconsciously) that he should not know" ... resulting in a sort of anxiety that the child will express his body (various disorders, behavior, diseases ...).
- It is desirable that it be parents or someone very close to the child who spoke to him, because "learn the truth about us by someone other than their parents or his family is extremely destructive! " confidence ... and safety are so undermined!
- parents must listen to their feelings, their intuition, "do as you feel, consider your own feelings as nothing is more unsettling for a child than a parent 's collapsed into tears, he should feel sturdy enough without risk of collapse. "
- otherwise, do not hesitate to be 2 - father and mother - to speak .. or delegate to someone who knows the child well and will be reassuring.
- reassure your child is learning not to say everything , even simple, although incomplete, information true avoid him to feel responsible and to invent a story that has nothing to do with reality .
- some truths, painful and violent, are always preferable if there are words to think.
- Dolto encouraged "to always tell the truth or something that is on the path of truth . "The truth can hurt, but it is always preferable to lies ... because the child imagines always worse than the worst truth is kept secret unsettling truth is liberating, it delivers the anguish and all fantasies that the child has imagined, that have nothing to do with secrecy.
- protection by silence is an acceptable right of parents ... if that does not cause a disorder of behavior (their own and that of the child), it tells the child his father and his mother chose to take their troubles ONLY, this simple words "I think you're too small to share my worries, but I'll get through, I prefer to fend for himself" ... which prevents the child to feel guilty, and develop a sense of helplessness in a situation where it is neither the actor nor the cause. The help of a therapist or a third person is sometimes necessary ... Indeed, the problems are sometimes resolved when the child hears his children talk to one third.
- it is essential that whatever is seen by the child be explained (eg, sexual activities, disasters, accidents ...)
0 . the secrets of birth, family : to read, my first little book red "the little girl who did not sleep," reissued soon!
- to enable the child to be built on truth, it is essential to reveal the earliest possible date in its history, its identity, the history of his family .. ". he must know who he is and where it comes " said Francis DOLTO!
- WARNING ! remember that if secrecy is toxic, too much information can be too!
; - According Dolto, the first and primary condition is to tell the child , whatever his age, his parents are in the need to separate because they can no longer live together and say early enough for it to "s to prepare.
- but, sexual intimacy, emotional , Psychological parents, their sexuality must remain "secret garden" of adults. Similarly, adultery silence, resentment, blame, hatred, and the child must continue to love her 2 parents without being held hostage by one or the other: nothing is more destructive. The child should not be the confidant of the adult!
- it is important to talk to the love child of his parents for him ... love that will always exist! reassurance and also secure in speaking of the organization of everyday life, establishing new benchmarks (school, home, friends ...)
, 0. disease :
- it is important to conceal the details techniques of the disease, the uncertainty of doctors, personal anxieties of parents, adults on the present and the future, we must speak the truth child and work on hope without lying about the seriousness of evil " everything is used for healing. "
0. death : Read my 3 rd little red book "he's lost my dad" .. that issues related to speaking the truth!
- Use the word "death" and not "dead" which means nothing for the child.
- beware of metaphors, expressions, explanations often used by adults who are afraid to say "words real ": the child believes everything you say!
0. sexuality :
- It is essential to teach children from an early age as his body and its organs belong to him ... and nobody has the right to touch them! " your body belongs to you, nobody has the right to touch it, one day you show your love."
- it is important to say early the incest taboo ... must be very vigilant during the Oedipus period (between 3 and 7 years or more).
0. hospitalization of the child :
- be present with him, lets him explain what will happen: exams, blood tests .. and help to tame the unknown, to speak with him about his feelings, to reassure, to establish confidence in him to the doctors, "I'm sure you'll heal fast," "I trust the doctors, it's their job."
- it is also very important to bring Children in this = "after your body will function as before."
0. birth :
- it is essential to talk to the child at this important moment (see my 1st little red book "the little girl who did not sleep") ... more so when the birth was special; put words on the experience and the feeling is liberating and restore the child's own words about this event fundamental.
- the birth of 2nd child , talk to the first, referring to his own birth = pictures, books, words are very useful to really communicate.
0. the world's problems = wars, accidents, disasters ...
- there really need to talk with children of all the information they receive from television, newspapers, what friends tell, what say to reassure adults ... and tell the truth. Needless anxiety to have an attitude ... your attitude is critical. " tell the truth or something that is on the path of truth" F. DOLTO.
0. religion :
- "this is what I think, but everybody does not think like that! "a phrase - key! .... Being fed course explanation.
0. disability, the difference :
- adult behavior is crucial for the child : rejection or reception.
- it is necessary to inform the child with simple explanations and real .
0. unemployment ... the delicate financial situations :
- it is important to talk about "sub" with her child (original work remuneration, management and use) "we do not buy the money in the bank!"::: silent but details of loans, loans, debts, potential conflicts or resentment vis- third parties ... this "internal kitchen" parents that children do not need to know.
- By cons, reassure explaining it will still need (eating, bathing, dressing ...) but perhaps not necessary to buy the (toys, clothes that are interested, from on holiday ..) so it will be useful to learn open door the frustration ... = "we will see next year."
0. your "coups de blues :
; - Especially release the child, explaining that this is not the cause, that "it's not his fault!".
0. your marriage problems: disagreements, arguments:
- adopting the attitude previous to reassure the child assimilates away, wrangling separation which causes anxiety and insecurity.
* Avoid using the words " Devitalizing ": "shut up", "you tire me with your questions! "I'll tell you later when you grow up," "You're too young to understand", "I do not know ..."
* not ever - called ! even if the question bothers you when you = do not know or when you feel uncomfortable to speak, it is best to tell the child: "I am embarrassed to tell you about it, I'll think about and I promise to talk soon as possible "or" I can not answer you for now, I'll find out, we hear about it as soon as possible. "
* know that children "have ears lying" ... you believe them busy playing and they hear everything! not because they do not look they can not hear you!
* FRANCOISE DOLTO said: "From the moment that's true, put into words what you experience in both the tenderness in hatred, that's what is human. "
* big and small joys are easier to say that large and small disasters ... so think of books ... which are excellent media for communication between parents and children! .... See "my little red books" (presentation on the 2nd page of the blog!).
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