My experience in this field has enabled me to define 4 stages in the process of depression. In the first, the person realizes that things go wrong, it is increasingly difficult to keep up that marks the life, every movement seems an escalation, that its obligations is like climbing Mount Everest. This process tends to lead to sick leave (if working) or a disconnection of family and social obligations.
phase starts at the 2. Inside her the person feels guilty about being depressed, having fallen, being weaker than the rest of the world (his vision). Guilt generally leads to self punishment and how it seeks to punish. This phase ends when the person becomes aware that it is immersed in a search of her roots, she must make a change and that the stop sign which has imposed life is required for the maintenance of his vehicle. It will then stop worrying about what others think, and it is refocusing on its own life project.
Phase 3 then begins. It should find itself with itself, it must reconnect with her soul, she will ask what is the correct path, try to listen to his voice. It is here that is useful for meditation. The achievement of daily meditations, prayer his guardian angels and total relaxation (let sleeping mind) will be the most effective methods for reconnection.
The fourth phase will begin when the person will feel the click indicating that reconnection has occurred. This will be the moment when she will feel well again with itself and with the rest of the world. The fourth phase will lead to a reconnection with the reality. In the cabala we would say we ran the Yod-He-Vav-He.
Meditation can help relieve the phase 2 and cope is the third. Here is the continuation meditation
Tristan Llop, in search of treasure inside
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