The room of a child - both part of rest, play and study - is difficult to develop .... challenge that the "FENG SHUI" ancient art of Chinese management space for good circulation of chi (energy) improving health and well-being ...
***. tips:
***. tips:
- the ideal room should be located in the western area of the house.
- when one enters the room, pay attention to energy flux that flows between the main door and the window to avoid placing the bed and the desk ... there have rather a play mat, cushions ...
* bed : for a peaceful sleep ...
- Put the head against the wall.
- plan to open on one side.
- at the head of the bed, above the head of the Child, install a protective environment ( security blankets, dreamcatchers, drawings soft ... no shelves.)
- at the foot of the bed, avoid high cabinets or cupboards ... if not, attach the doors of images that appeal to the child, his drawings, paintings ...
* under the bed: the drawers are possible if the child can open easily. (No drawers cluttered with heavy objects or broken that prevent the "chi" (energy) flow.)
* the storage should be at the height of the child ... or prefer convenient base units, colored plastic bins for "ranger" (toys, books, comic books ..).
* office is, if possible, located in the north-east of the house, put it so the child is sitting back against the wall with the door in its angle of vision ... otherwise, expect a swivel seat with high back and is also the location of the library area (dictionaries, encyclopedias, atlases .. ) install a photo of the child in an activity he loves .... to stimulate vitality. (Avoid a baby picture of him as a brake on its progress).
* lights are carriers of joy bathe the space game lighting powerful to stimulate creativity - Place a lamp on the desk to boost energy and enthusiasm to-study by the bed, provide a less powerful light source to calm the "chi" - prefer more light sources (balls change color ...).
* on walls, signs or posters prefer small size located at eye level of the child; sets butterflies, birds, winged animals are "carriers" to avoid the mirrors above the bed in front, the posters of cats, monsters, swords and pistols (to store in a drawer), painting chipped ...
* colors: white softened bet on, play with other colors: bright orange, yellow ocher and related ... pleasure to play - the turquoise and blue-related sleep - purple, violet and peach soft, soothing and reassuring - avoid the friezes on the wall symbolically preventing the child to grow!
* television screens , Computers ...(. hypnotics) are to be banned ... making the child and liabilities resulting in poor flow of energy.
CHILDREN IN A ROOM, IT IS IMPORTANT TO FOCUS ON LEVEL "EARTH" (feet, pelvis) and THE LEVEL "HUMAN" (pelvis, head) ... FORGET THE LEVEL "HEAVEN" (head and above) ... too much pressure, "bar too high" .
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