So firstly JOL:
The inquisitor has many treatments available to it, and some offensive spells. This is a class that can hardly be alone, taking his powers as a group their size. Obviously, his skills are often as it considers necessary to have a healer in the raid.
More specifically, like all trainers, he has care and can treat conditions. Like the Templar, it is the only one with reactive care. His group
improvements allow his group to attack faster, have more stamina, health, intelligence and physical strength.
To protect themselves, it is armor plate and may slow the enemy, or to inspire a deep terror.
Finally, it has some offensive spells allowing it to cause some damage to its targets, to weaken or reduce their offensive skills. Then
persistent worlds:
The Inquisitor is a good compromise between DPS and care, even if he did not DPS of mago one or a murderer, or the potential for care of a parade for example. However it is capable of soloing a lot of stuff unlike other class of healer and is able to solo heal groups.
And then
AA EQ2.flames:

only to motivate!
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