In the first case, it will manifest itself as welfare, which is poured out upon us in charge of these divine, to be the result of our service to the transcendent cause, with or without the involvement of our consciousness. This is the Jupiter of Sagittarius, it manifests itself, the rewards will be poured upon us a great way, because they are the fruits of our past efforts, they may be in the form of a abundance material or spiritual.
The other face, that the sponsor desires, the Jupiter of Pisces, which ensures that the wishes will be carried out in social space. One way or another, Jupiter will be the bearer of well-being, troubleshooting. Jupiter will transit in Pisces from January 18 10 to 6 June 2010 and September 9 to 22 January, see the influence it will exert on each sign: Aries
Aries, with Jupiter in House XII manifest its emotions in a way grandiloquent, pompous, brilliant, heavenly, joyful. Enjoy it by declaring his love, by dedicating to all creation, it will solve all difficulties. Throughout the year, the native of Aries will have a deep faith in the benevolence of life, it will be responsive and capable of transforming any experience into something positive, because it will collect all things, even the worst problems with enthusiasm and humor. The force heal the Jovian Aries chronic illness.
Taurus Taurus, Jupiter in House XI will enjoy the support of powerful friends and protectors, generous, enthusiastic, gifted with a big vision. His friends will push to expand, to transcend its own limitations, to solve any problem. Triumphs in major projects. The Taurus will be more aware of their role to society, what they can bring to the community, they enjoy with their friends, or participating in group activities. They will find their growth through social interaction.
Gemini Gemini, Jupiter in House X will be great assets to succeed in social or professional. It's time to exercise their power so they will enjoy a great organizing power and great freedom to organize their social space according to their wishes and needs. Possibility of rise in rank, or to live a professional expansion. He should not lose the opportunity to make themselves known in new areas. Luck and success with regard to social or professional ambitions.
Cancer Cancer, Jupiter in House IX reap many successes abroad, or beyond its traditional boundaries. He found pleasure in travel, inside, through meditation or self-exploration, or outside. Cancer natives will grow their wisdom, they will grow spiritually. They enjoy searching for a deeper reason, an explanation all things, giving meaning to their lives. Raising their awareness and help others do the same for them will be a cakewalk. With their mental action, they will be able to promote many changes in society. Cancer is probably one of the surest signs involved throughout the year, in forming the critical mass necessary to make the transition to the fifth dimension.
Lion The Lion, Jupiter in House VIII will be very successful in the field of seduction, even advantage than usual. It awakens the love of important people, powerful, noble and benevolent through which it may raise the social level. Great romances the watch, those that leave marks. It will have a very active sex. There will many followers. But it could also be facing a great catharsis that leads him to see life from a new angle. Economic success of the joint. Opportunity to receive important legacies. Success and satisfaction through introspection, meditation.
The Virgin Mary, with Jupiter in House VII, know the triumph through its partner, it's time to accept that the other is the protagonist. Excellent opportunity also to give Part of the power of his personality that the Virgin does usually of little importance, since it will be successful. It is therefore to strengthen the lower polarity, as this will help the native to rise in spiritual or social. The cosmos has an experience of detachment or de-identification of his personality in favor of impersonal achievements, even anonymously.
is the opposite of itself, that is the challenge. This led him to observe the enemy and receive love and the goodness it contains.
Libra Libra, with Jupiter in House VI, will find pleasure to be useful to others, his chance will pass through the services that this native will travel to the company, or its ability to heal. The profound experience of this configuration is astral learn to get rid of power, letting go of all authority and deprive them of their power the characters of the psyche that have already played their role and who can no longer contribute to its evolution. Getting rid of the useless, what does most is the key to enjoying life throughout this year. High regeneration capacity in case of illness.
Scorpio Scorpio, Jupiter in House V, will find pleasure in highlighting the inner child, by devoting a portion of his time to leisure, creative arts, where he found success. He will live a great expansion of creativity, this transit of Jupiter will be favorable for conceiving a child. He will want to play and have fun. Good luck in the game, in the romantic adventures and everything about childhood. Expansion through educational or recreational activities or contact with children. Beautiful children, generous, strong.
Sagittarius Sagittarius, with Jupiter in House IV, will find pleasure in anything with respect to the family atmosphere in the home. Possible expansion of the house, move or change of scenery. This could signal an expansion of the family, with the arrival of new members will enrich it. The relationship with the family can be a source of prosperity. The native will feel a need for large spaces for installation of the home. Intense emotional experiences that lead to joy and enthusiasm.
Capricorn Capricorn, Jupiter in House III, will be successful in spreading his thoughts, in everything that relates to the mass-media. His capacity to sustain a strong growth, it will have no trouble finding an audience willing to listen or read. Success in literature, in journalism. But also in trade, human relations and advertising. The odds might also occur through the brothers and sisters, if there are conflicts at this level, the transit of Jupiter will be a favorable time to find solutions. Intellectual expansion. Frequent travel may be a source of satisfaction.
Aquarius Aquarius, Jupiter in House II, will be lucky and find success in the economic sector. Expansion of its values, its qualities, of its energy. Its purchasing power will increase. Quest for personal security through material abundance. Opportunity to make money through activities Jovian: travel, import / export relations with foreign countries. The transit of Jupiter will be a good opportunity to ask for wage increases, but also for the acquisition of new values or to consider new investments.
Pisces Pisces, with Jupiter in House I feel strong, invaded by the enthusiasm, optimism, generosity, they will want to conquer the world. They feel invested authority natural. Whatever the mood in what they are, they are a source of merriment, joy and positive solutions to any problem. They should monitor the line, because they tend to grow. Their charisma is very good and they can harness it to help those around them to raise his consciousness.
Soleika Llop