New Moon of Taurus
To explain the influence of the new moon of Taurus, I decided to use a new instrument: the video.
I made a little trip for all zodiac signs to show the influence of the Moon and bad aspects that form.
Nevertheless, I have not forgotten you recorded the program of active angels in this lunation: Cahetel Menadel the physical and the emotional ...
God adorable
Being the No. 8 CAHETEL participates in the task the formation of sephirah Hod
in our inner nature and our place in Philosopher's Mansion No. 8 this substance called blessing of God, without which all our businesses will run to fail, ruin their business! CAHETEL Seraphim is the last and is the long arm of Kether, the longer arm, because it goes to the ends of Yesod, which allows him to speak clearly (openly) in human affairs.
God can not bless what is in harmony with its dynamics. The nations competing are trying to achieve, each in turn, a look of God supports their cause, that he grants them victory, but, obviously CAHETEL specializing in blessings, not listen to their prayers, and it will be his cons of the Abyss-figure who will give each army what it deserves. God's blessing was denied to Cain when he presented his offering. When it appears in our lives, it has a multiplier effect that allows us to see if we get it right, especially if we find that this increase occurs during the days of the regency of Engineering. If these dates for our business is sterile, it is a sign that God refuses to our offering and we must try to plant more land. If we carry in us the blessing of God, all our lands are fertile and we will become, for all those who contact us, sources of fertility and progress.
If we need the Divine Blessing, draw near us people born under the auspices CAHETEL, looking at them, get in touch with them the day and time of the regency of Engineering Blessings. This engineering is also to chase away evil spirits. It is understood that we are occupied by forces that are part of a wave of life than ours, and that most of our internal occupants are fallen angels, fallen, and even fallen in the second or third bottom of the abyss. They are the ones that encourage us to achievements bent, those that generate difficulties, adversity. CAHETEL makes them flee in disarray, our empty internal spaces and the positive forces can access it to recover. They come back for more, for them to leave definitively, one must give up addictions that have led to live with us, and therefore, the days of CAHETEL evil inclinations may disappear when the time is opportune for this , resulting in a change of lifestyle that should lead us to liberation.
CAHETEL, governs the 5 days, 40 of which are under Seraphim of the regency. It is thus at the end of a period and if this period was begun so tormented, its presence can be the announcement of the end of this torment. This
Engineering dominates all agricultural products, especially those which are necessary for the existence of men and animals. If we expand the real meaning of this phrase, we say that dominates the food supply, it provides important crops in our internal nature, everything that grows in us and is useful in the power of our soul, useful for our needs. For agricultural production is to succeed, three factors coincide: the Sun, the necessary water and the land that is suitable for seed cultivation. The presence of these three factors and balance, we will, undoubtedly, crops, overabundant.
By cons, where Will is extremely strong, with crippling effects on others, it will be like if the sun was excessively hot and dry plants. Excessive moisture will rot the roots. Sometimes our projects and works fail, simply because we make excessive voluntarism, or that we want at any price, to leave our footprint.
It inspires in man the desire rises to thank God for the goods received through all that the earth produces, "said the Program. The man we know, pursuing personal goals: fame, power, love, respect those around him, and when he completed a work, he turned to her and, satisfied, he said: "That's what I did, myself." But in evolutionary deployment, there comes a point where he realizes that the work in question is nothing but a pretext for the Other, the Eternal Being that we carry in our interior, can obtain some information, some experiments on the operation of the faculties he has delegated. When we make this discovery, we look up to God and we submit to His commandments ever, we become, so to speak, the instruments to him to achieve his purposes. The presence of
CAHETEL Dwellings of the Philosophers in our product that inspiration. One vote - his own - tells us that we are workers working for a boss, and that under no circumstances should we consider ourselves owners of the work we do. Gratitude is a state of submission to the person we wish to thank: it is a desire to serve, to encourage it, as it has favored us. When this recognition occurs against the LORD, he is no longer any tension between him and us because we no longer see ourselves in our own productions, but simple orders to subordinate the Master.
The person born under its influence, love the work, agriculture, rural life, hunting, and will be very active in world affairs told the program. Whatever she does, the person will be very active. Nothing better than running for Boss and his servants shall also become and the fact is that when we discover that we work for! We feel immensely stimulated. Sometimes when we have reached a certain age, we say: why to initiate new things, if I am already in the home straight of my life? But if we lift our gaze to the top, we discover the Patron and it says: "Fool! There is no last line, there is no end! You are working to become, for one day, God the Creator and take the responsibility of a universe. " Faced with such a large project could tell us how you finish something? In fact, we have not even begun! We are standing in a dawn that never ceases to point! We love the work when Understandably, when you know where it takes us where we end what we are doing.
CAHETEL The man will be active in any situation, always and everywhere and if we want our business, hiring men and women are very active, we must search among those who bear the mark CAHETEL during his days and hours. Addiction, the taste for hunting, we must understand it as a desire to hunt domestic animals, to expel, thus, our spaces. The Engineering also produces food for animals, such as the Program specifies. This food helps animals survive and to perform their duties. The work that these animals must realize that they can return one day, the place that is in evolution; place they lost when they have been separated (see: The Divine Mysteries of the work, Kabaleb ). We need to give animals food that suits them, and so that we could use their strengths to realize some mistakes. Then we can remove them from our internal spaces and finally suspend our relations with them.
The Genius of the Abyss causes everything that is harmful to agricultural production, and makes the man blasphemy against God, said the program. We have already seen some evidence that blight the productions of the Earth: A burning sun (excessive), excessive moisture, we can add, dirty water or polluted, the inclement weather, the plagues of insects, predators, neglect of work in the fields, etc.. The CAHETEL of the Abyss works by injecting its customers excessive voluntarism, an overwhelming development of personality, excessive sentimentality, feelings corrupt, excessively harsh temperament, which will translate externally by waves of "big "heat, torrential rain, flooding, irrigation water, hail, fire, locusts, and other scourges that order. Blaspheme against God means acting against the Cosmic Laws. Everything that comes from 1'Abîme us to act reversed from normal, but not necessarily against the Cosmic Laws. The "Personalism" for example (wanting to control everything, and everywhere ...) is a materialization of the will, because it comes from below and not from above, but no rule interfering cosmic as either, there is no interference with cosmic rules about the passions between a man and a woman. By cons, homosexuality, yes, it is a violation of Universal Law. Cabalists are very clear distinction between the sins within the universal order, and those who violate the cosmic order. The CAHETEL of the Abyss inspires such attacks.
MENADEL Engineering, 36, is the fourth of the Choir of Powers and deals in
Guéburah Guéburah same issues. MENADEL place in our House # 36 Philosopher
this species named work, without which we lose in the pure contemplation. Our Inner Divine sends his body to the worlds, they are working and afterwards, at the hour of sleep and end of life, ascend to him, charged experiences. But this species named Labour, usually do not like much to the body, it is rejected and some, those who can, seek peace convents to avoid humans work and live without conflict. Instead of working to set up experiments to the ego, we will send prayers for he cares for us pull the chestnuts out of fire! saying, in a certain way: "Go! Come work for me, because you know better than me what to do, and success will come when I will undertake to do mine .
MENADEL took up residence in the last degrees of Virgo, in this sector of the Zodiac where we feel compelled to abandon everything, to allow penetration in us new attractions that we will march forward again fast . At the same time MENADEL Engineering is 36 and is located exactly in the middle of the road, just half. If we did work with dedication on the 36 geniuses, we will begin the period of fruit harvest and our job is basically to collect.
Speaking of Labour, we need to refer to human labor to make it clear the subject. MENADEL acts in the sphere of emotions and it is in our interior emotional situations for us to live deeply and well able to extract the necessary experience. We can compare his work to that of a novelist when he imagines the fabric of his novel: he feels the emotions of his characters and gives solutions to the tragedies they experience. Here is the true human work that we carry inside: c reconcile opposing feelings, and learn to submit the Design feelings emanating from our ego. When this inner work is not done, or he gets hurt, the situation is staged externally, so that in the light of our own eyes, we can correct our mistakes and thus acquire experience that could not be acquired when this work was done internally.
In this sense, what we do physically tells us what we should have done emotionally and we have not. Thus, those working at a detergent plant, must understand that he has failed to wash "whiter" inner emotions and one who works in the clothing, because he did not know provide a more suitable, acceptable, emotions in the dressing well, that is to say in their giving a shape, so they can be recognized by that law in the Desire World, where our personality is acting emotionally. Each external work reveals the inner work should be done. Those who work in automotive or constructing aircraft, trains, should provide the Company with the necessary means to a faster evolution. Of course, if we were perfect, if we realize all the work so internal, the physical world would be too ... though, this physical world is not made to last forever. It was formed as a kind of alternative, given our total inability to learn from within.
But when we acquired this ability, the physical world we live disappear and finally in the World of Desire. The Physical World is a compelling need, but not the goal, the main purpose of the Creation. But since it exists, we must explore it, analyze it, but we would get the same results with an exploration of mental and emotional, because the material particles are nothing else than the crystallization in a maximum degree of concentration particles of the Desire World and the World of Thought. Hermes said that the world is thinking, and a day come when the work is to think.
But, things being what they are, MENADEL species occur in those who internalize, Activity, Work and, therefore, during his days and hours, the work will appear, if we lack. If an unemployed person comes to consult us, we must start looking for work on days chaired by the Engineering and during the hours of 11:40 to 12:00, after sunrise. We invoke this
Engineering to maintain employment and to maintain the means of existence
that we possess, "said Program. This has been explained with all that has been said. It is against the calumnies and to release prisoners, continues the program. MENADEL leads to truth through Labour. The paths that lead to the truth are many and, perhaps the shortest one is not Labour, but in any case, the path that leads to stronger evidence of the truth, blatantly obvious and unquestionable. A truth that is obvious.
In the material realm, where the technique builds a device, either it works or it does not work. If it works it is clear proof that the inventor to hit the market, it is right. If the device does not work, the inventor must start over. This applies even in the emotional and the mental. Work on an idea will blossom in her Truth. Work these texts, teacher, or any other texts and teachings, and you will see the light rises and increases more in you. And for the conquest of love, stress, work with courage and see the beautiful fall into your arms.
The persistent work always gives the fruit, fruit that consists of a hardware implementation, into something tangible, obvious, which need not be proved, because the internal evidence is so strong that every demonstration is unnecessary. Maybe you will be asked proof that you can not provide, but when these applicants will have achieved the same evidence as you work, they will be the same certainty. For this reason the engineering ruin About slanderers. Let our truth hits them full force and reduce their fallacious arguments to pieces. Work will take us to the Truth and the Truth will set us Free
. Our prisoners are released from prisons house where our internal system was unfairly imprisoned, and they again occupy their rightful places as of right our inner realms. This gives Genie
lights on those remote which we have received no news since a long time, he return the exiles to their homeland, and discovers the goods lost or removed, concludes the program. We have seen how we reconciled with previous engineering trends that led to our subconscious. With MENADEL we receive news from distant exiles. Exile is the fact that the companies live under unjust regime that stifles the voices of those who think differently than the official thinking. When the Truth shines again, returning exiles ; The various trends that were remote from centers of power, return to homelands, and our personality is enriched with what these trends bring.
The hasty flight of some internal forces, impoverishes our different bodies: there is a diminution, reduction in our thoughts and our feelings, and this reduction affects our physical state: our vitality is reduced. When the truth comes to us, driven here by Labor, we recover what we lost, that is to say the goods we had lost and returned to us. Work gives us fullness and must interpret it very broadly: an intense inner work will lead us to opulence, wealth, recovery of lost potential, the loss was a handicap.
Thus, the assets, all those who work every day of the year with the thought, with their ideas, reach a permanent state of welfare. We can not predict the same thing about the physical work, because when we see people very busy with multiple jobs is the clear indication that they do not carry inwardly they are obliged to perform externally. These convicts are Labour, can we say without a job, unemployed, intellect and emotions and, of course, are bound to complete an exhausting job through which life would make them understand that we must work internally.
Genius otherwise protect all those who seek to flee abroad to escape justice, "said the Program. That is to say it protects the dispersal of our forces home, because we're not trying to do the job we should do. When we cease all effort and that there is not dominant in our thoughts, feelings or dominant, which give us ardent wishes, goals, the trends are not put idealism into practice we leave, fled abroad to escape justice is not one, except that the name it gives itself. The stranger is the sphere beyond the control of our consciousness; the sphere where our Executive Will does not say. During certain periods, when our inner world is ruled by a tyrant who has usurped the power, what is best in us fled abroad and we are very impoverished, reduced to the simplest expression. But we can not bully govern forever, and when the MENADEL From Above comes into operation, the internal work done to advance the reign of justice and the return of exiles.
God adorable
Being the No. 8 CAHETEL participates in the task of training sephirah Hod
in our inner nature and our place in Philosopher's Mansion No. 8 this substance called blessing of god without which all our businesses will run to fail, ruin their business! CAHETEL Seraphim is the last and is the long arm of Kether, the longer arm, because it goes to the ends of Yesod, which allows him to speak clearly (Openly) in human affairs.
God can not bless what is in harmony with its dynamics. The nations competing are trying to achieve, each in turn, a look of God supports their cause, that he grants them victory, but, obviously, CAHETEL specializing in blessings, will not listen their prayers, and it will be his cons of the Abyss-figure who will give each army what it deserves. God's blessing was denied to Cain when he presented his offering. When it appears in our lives, it has a multiplier effect that allows us to see if we do things right, especially if we find that this increase occurs during the days of the regency of Engineering. If these dates for our business is sterile, it is a sign that God refuses to our offering and we must try to plant more land. If we carry with us the blessing of God, all our lands are fertile and we will become, for all those who contact us, sources of fertility and progress.
If we need the Divine Blessing, draw near us people born under the auspices CAHETEL, looking at them, get in touch with them the day and time of the regency of Engineering Blessings. This engineering is also to chase away evil spirits. It is understood that we are occupied by forces that are part of a wave of life than ours, and that most of our internal occupants are fallen angels, fallen, fallen and even the second or third base of the abyss. They are the ones that encourage us to achievements bent, those that generate difficulties, adversity. CAHETEL makes them flee in disarray, our empty internal spaces and the positive forces can access it to recover. They come back for more, for them to leave definitively, one must give up addictions that have led to settle among us, and therefore, the days of CAHETEL evil inclinations may disappear when the time is opportune for this, with a consequent change of lifestyle that should lead us to liberation.
CAHETEL, governs the last 5 days, 40 which are under the regency of the Seraphim. It is thus at the end of a period and if this period was begun so tormented, its presence can be the announcement of the end of this torment. This
Engineering dominates all agricultural products, especially those which are necessary for the existence of men and animals. If we expand the real meaning of this phrase we say that dominates the food supply, it provides important crops in our internal nature, everything that grows in us and is useful for feeding our soul, good for our needs. For agricultural production is to succeed, three factors coincide: the Sun, the necessary water and the soil is one that is suitable for seed cultivation. The presence of these three factors and balance, we will, undoubtedly, crops, overabundant.
By cons, where Will is extremely strong, with crippling effects on others, it will be like if the sun was excessively hot and that the plants dry. Excessive moisture will rot the roots. Sometimes our projects and works fail, simply because we make excessive voluntarism, or that we want at any price, to leave our footprint.
It inspires in man the desire to rise to God to thank him for goods received through all that the earth produces, "said the Program. The man we know, pursuing personal goals: fame, power, love, respect those around him, and when he completed a work, he turned to her and, satisfied, he said: "That's what I did, myself." But in its deployment evolutionary, it reaches a point where he realizes that the work in question is nothing but a pretext for the Other, the Eternal Being that we carry in our interior, can get some information Some experiments on the operation of the faculties he has delegated. When we make this discovery, we look up to God and we submit to His commandments ever, we become, so to speak, the instruments to him to achieve his purposes. The presence of
CAHETEL Dwellings of the Philosophers in our product that inspiration. One vote - his own - tells us that we are laborers working for a boss, and that under no circumstances should we consider ourselves owners of the work we do. Gratitude is a state of submission to the person we wish to thank: it is a desire to serve, to encourage it, just as it has favored us. When this recognition occurs against the LORD, he is no longer any tension between him and us because we no longer see ourselves in our own productions, but simple orders to subordinate the Master.
The person born under its influence, love the work, agriculture, rural life, hunting, and will be very active in the World Affairs Program said. Whatever she does, the person will be very active. Nothing better than running for Boss and his servants shall also become and the fact is that when we discover that we work for! We feel immensely stimulated. Sometimes when we have reached a certain age, we say: why to initiate new things, if I am already in the home straight of my life? But if we lift our gaze to the top, we discover the Patron and it says: "Fool! There is no last line, there is no end! You are working to become, for one day Creator God and take responsibility for a universe. " Faced with such a large project could tell us how you finish something? In fact, we have not even begun! We are standing in a dawn that never ceases to point! We love the work when understood, when we know where it takes us where we end what we are doing.
CAHETEL The man will be active in any situation, always and everywhere and if we want our business, hiring men and women are very active, we must search among those who bear the mark CAHETEL during his days and hours. The inclination, taste for hunting, we must understand it as a desire to hunt domestic animals, to expel, thus, our spaces. The Engineering also produces food for animals, such as the Program specifies. This food helps animals to survive and perform their duties. The work that these animals must realize that they can return one day, the place that is in evolution; place where they have lost have been separated (see: The Divine Mysteries of the work, Kabaleb ). We need to give animals food that suits them, and so in using their forces we could realize some mistakes. Then we can remove them from our internal spaces and finally suspend our relations with them.
The Genius of the Abyss causes everything that is harmful to agricultural production, and leads man to blaspheme against God, said the program. We have already seen some evidence that blight the productions of the Earth: A burning sun (excessive), excessive moisture, we can add, dirty water or polluted, the inclement weather, the plagues of insects, predators, neglect of work in the fields, etc.. The work of the Abyss CAHETEL by infusing its customers excessive voluntarism, an overwhelming development of personality, excessive sentimentality, feelings corrupt, excessively harsh temperament, which will translate externally by waves of "large" heat, torrential rain, flooding, irrigation water, hail, fire, locusts, and other scourges that order. Blaspheme against God means acting against the Cosmic Laws. Everything that comes from 1'Abîme us to act reversed from normal, but not necessarily against the Cosmic Laws. The "Personalism" eg (wanting to order everything and everywhere ...) is a materialization of the will, because it comes from below and not from above, but no interfering cosmic rule, as no longer there is no interference with cosmic rules about the passions between a man and a woman. By cons, homosexuality, yes, it is a violation of Universal Law. Cabalists are very clear distinction between the sins within the universal order, and those who violate the cosmic order. The CAHETEL of the Abyss inspires such attacks.
MENADEL Engineering, 36, is the fourth Choir of Powers and deals in
Guéburah Guéburah same issues. MENADEL place in our House # 36 Philosopher
this species named work, without which we lose in the pure contemplation. Our Inner Divine sends his body to the worlds, to work there and for once, at the hour of sleep and end of life, ascend to him, charged experiences. But this species named Labour, usually do not like much to the body, it is rejected and some, those who can, seek peace convents to avoid humans work and live without conflict. Instead of working to raise the experiences to the ego, we will send prayers for he cares for us pull the chestnuts out of fire! saying, in a certain way: "Go! Come work for me, because you know better than me what to do, and success will come when I will undertake to do mine. "
MENADEL took up residence in the last degrees of Virgo, in this sector of the Zodiac where we feel compelled to abandon everything, to allow penetration in us new attractions that we will march forward again fast . At the same time MENADEL Engineering is 36 and is located exactly in the middle of the road, just half. If we did work with dedication on the 36 geniuses, we will begin the period of fruit harvest and our job is basically to collect.
Speaking of Labour, we need to refer to human labor to make clear the subject. MENADEL acts in the sphere of emotions and it is in our interior emotional situations for us to live deeply and well able to extract the necessary experience. We can compare his work to that of a novelist when he imagines the fabric of his novel: he feels the emotions of his characters and gives solutions to the tragedies they live. Here is the true human work that we carry inside: c reconcile opposing feelings, and learn to submit the Design feelings emanating from our ego. When this inner work is not done, or he gets hurt, the situation is set outside, so that in the light of our own eyes, we can correct our mistakes and thus the acquisition of experience that could not be acquired when this work was done internally.
In this sense, what we do physically tells us what we should have done emotionally and we have not. Thus, one who works in a detergent plant, must understand that it has failed to wash "whiter" inner emotions and one who works in the clothing, because it failed to provide a more suitable acceptable to his emotions in the dressing well, that is to say giving them a shape, so they can be recognized by that law in the Desire World, where our personality is acting emotionally. Each external work reveals the inner work should be done. Those who work in automotive or constructing aircraft, trains, should provide the Company with the necessary means for faster evolution. Of course, if we were perfect, if we realize all the work so internal, the physical world would be too ... though, this physical world is not made to last forever. It was formed as a kind of alternative, given our complete inability to learn from within.
But when we acquired this ability, the physical world we live disappear and finally in the World of Desire. The Physical World is a compelling need, but not the goal, the main purpose of the Creation. But since it exists, we must explore it, analyze it, but we achieve the same results with a mental and emotional exploration, because the material particles are nothing else than the crystallization in a maximum degree of concentration of particles of the Desire World and the World of Thought. Hermes said that the world is thinking, and one day will come when the work is to think.
But, things being what they are, MENADEL species occur in those who internalize, Activity, Work and, therefore, during his days and hours, the work will appear, if we lack. If an unemployed person comes to consult us, we must start looking for work day chaired by the Engineering and during the hours of 11:40 to 12:00, after sunrise. We invoke this
Engineering to maintain employment and to maintain the means of existence
that we possess, "said Program. This has been explained with everything just said. It is against the calumnies and to release prisoners, continues the program. MENADEL leads to truth through Labour. The paths that lead to the truth are many and, perhaps the shortest one is not Labour, but in any case, the path that leads to stronger evidence of the Truth blatantly obvious and undeniable. A truth that is obvious.
In the material realm, where the technique builds a device, either it works or it does not work. If it works it is clear proof that the inventor to hit the market, it is right. If the device does not work, the inventor must start over. This applies even in the emotional and the mental. Work on an idea will blossom in her Truth. Work these texts, teacher, or any other texts and teachings, and you will see the light rises and increases more in you. And for the conquest of love, insist, are working with courage and see the beautiful fall into your arms.
The persistent work always gives the fruit, fruit that consists of a hardware implementation, into something tangible, obvious, which need not be proved, because the internal evidence is so strong that any demonstration is unnecessary. Maybe you will be asked proof that you can not provide, but when these applicants will have achieved the same evidence as you work, they will be the same certainty. For this reason the engineering ruin About slanderers. Let our truth hits them full force and reduce them to crumbs their spurious arguments. Work will take us to the Truth and the Truth will set us Free
. Our prisoners are released from prisons house where our internal system was unfairly imprisoned, and they again occupy their rightful places as of right in our inner realms. This gives Genie
lights on those remote which we have received no news since a long time, he return the exiles to their homeland, and discovers the goods lost or removed, concludes the program. We have seen how we reconciled with previous engineering trends that led to our subconscious. With MENADEL we receive news from distant exiles. Exile is the fact that the companies live under unjust regime that stifles the voices of those who think differently than the official thinking. When the Truth shines again, returning exiles, the various trends that were remote from centers of power, return to homelands, and our personality is enriched with what these trends bring.
The hasty flight of some internal forces, impoverishes our different bodies: there is a diminution, reduction in our thoughts and our feelings, and this reduction affects in our physical: vitality is reduced. When the truth comes to us, driven here by Labor, we recover what we lost, that is to say the goods we had lost and returned to us. Work gives us the fullness and must interpret it very broadly: an intense inner work will lead us to opulence, wealth, recovery of lost potential, the loss was a handicap.
Thus, the assets, all those who work every day of the year with the thought, with their ideas, reach a permanent situation welfare. We can not predict the same thing about the physical work, because when we see people very busy with multiple jobs is the clear indication that they do not carry inwardly they are obliged to perform externally. These convicts are Labour, can we say without a job, unemployed, intellect and emotions and, of course, are bound to complete an exhausting job through which life would make them understand that we must work internally.
Genius otherwise protect all those who seek to flee abroad to escape to justice, "said the Program. That is to say it protects the dispersal of our forces home, because we're not trying to do the job we should do. When we cease all effort and that there is not dominant in our thoughts, feelings or dominant, which give us ardent wishes, goals, the trends are not put idealism into practice leave us, s 'enfuient abroad to escape justice is not one, except the name she gives herself. The stranger is the sphere beyond the control of our consciousness, and the sphere in which our will has no executive voice. During certain periods, when our inner world is ruled by a tyrant who has usurped the power, what is best in us fled abroad and we are very impoverished, reduced to the simplest expression. But our tyrant can not rule forever, and when the MENADEL From Above comes into operation, the internal work done to advance the reign of justice and the return of exiles.
Tristan and Llop Kabaleb
Monday, April 27, 2009
Tuesday, April 14, 2009
What Gauge Is A Saftey Pin?
The angelic
I write this the day of resurrection because I think it's a good time to become aware of the changes we need carry out to get things to work better in our lives.
a day like today, there are over two thousand years, Christ is Risen, a very high soul who came to incarnate on earth to give us instructions, the main one is this: Working with Love ...
As we are a little hard sheet, to understand, yet we walk behind the Master's words, without really understanding their meanings and apply them without knowing our life.
The other day I was walking on the Bach de Roda Bridge (by architect Calatrava) with my wife and she asked me if we could define simple manner the meaning of life. I told him that for me, life is a sum of events that allow us to accumulate experiences. Then we bring the abstract or epitome of these experiences to our Higher Ego (the head inside) and it returns us again to life.
But how do you know the direction we give to our life is correct, and if that is what our ego wants? It is very easy to know, if we follow the right path, things will lead naturally good. If we are treading a wrong path, they will go wrong and the error (or pain) will make us realize that we were wrong, then we will correct that.
And how to avoid the karma will take us to the painful experiences? Following one of the lockers has proclaimed the Master Jesus Christ: Do good without looking at that, this way you shall plant a good relationship and that is what you will reap later. We can deduce here that doing good is far beyond a simple moral rule and it is a matter of pure logic.
Back to what brought me to write this, the need for change. The resurrection of Christ within us all year, offers us the opportunity to plant a new seed in our spiritual life, to focus things (albeit in a small area of our lives), in a different way.
Now that we go through especially difficult times for many people and that the crisis offers us the opportunity to change our behavior and habits, I propose that we start work now.
To give an example, my wife and I we proposed a series of changes (which we have already begun to implement) practical. We generally look at a series of television before going to bed, we stopped and we will do all to read in bed, we are also to go to bed earlier. In the morning we also decided to get up one hour before to have time to meditate, relax us (to work with the Angels) and scheduling the day and start with a lot of energy. In addition, we noted in the agenda planning for the week and on Sunday we review the deviations that occurred during the week to see if we can meet our goals.
These are small changes I will tell you as examples and I invite you to use the energy of Aries (the offeror) to perform the changes necessary to cope with new circumstances and change the things that you do not like.
I wish you good changes and I welcome your comments on the blog.
Tristan Llop Angels Messages and Talismans for a New Era

a day like today, there are over two thousand years, Christ is Risen, a very high soul who came to incarnate on earth to give us instructions, the main one is this: Working with Love ...
As we are a little hard sheet, to understand, yet we walk behind the Master's words, without really understanding their meanings and apply them without knowing our life.
The other day I was walking on the Bach de Roda Bridge (by architect Calatrava) with my wife and she asked me if we could define simple manner the meaning of life. I told him that for me, life is a sum of events that allow us to accumulate experiences. Then we bring the abstract or epitome of these experiences to our Higher Ego (the head inside) and it returns us again to life.
But how do you know the direction we give to our life is correct, and if that is what our ego wants? It is very easy to know, if we follow the right path, things will lead naturally good. If we are treading a wrong path, they will go wrong and the error (or pain) will make us realize that we were wrong, then we will correct that.
And how to avoid the karma will take us to the painful experiences? Following one of the lockers has proclaimed the Master Jesus Christ: Do good without looking at that, this way you shall plant a good relationship and that is what you will reap later. We can deduce here that doing good is far beyond a simple moral rule and it is a matter of pure logic.
Back to what brought me to write this, the need for change. The resurrection of Christ within us all year, offers us the opportunity to plant a new seed in our spiritual life, to focus things (albeit in a small area of our lives), in a different way.
Now that we go through especially difficult times for many people and that the crisis offers us the opportunity to change our behavior and habits, I propose that we start work now.
To give an example, my wife and I we proposed a series of changes (which we have already begun to implement) practical. We generally look at a series of television before going to bed, we stopped and we will do all to read in bed, we are also to go to bed earlier. In the morning we also decided to get up one hour before to have time to meditate, relax us (to work with the Angels) and scheduling the day and start with a lot of energy. In addition, we noted in the agenda planning for the week and on Sunday we review the deviations that occurred during the week to see if we can meet our goals.
These are small changes I will tell you as examples and I invite you to use the energy of Aries (the offeror) to perform the changes necessary to cope with new circumstances and change the things that you do not like.
I wish you good changes and I welcome your comments on the blog.
Tristan Llop Angels Messages and Talismans for a New Era
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