* Children need a father in real life ... and especially NEED to have a father in the head!
FATHER this is a symbolic instance necessary for everyone to build ...
* it's not just the person the father, that is to say the PAPA!
IS MOSTLY three characters at once!
1. father ... whose parent even if no one has ever seen - the child must know the existence and identity! it is important to explain to children why that man is his sire ... need to provide information on sexuality and the role of fathers in the design.
2. dad ... who, partner or husband of the mother raises the child, father or father-surrogate parent "stepfather".
3 . Fatherly an instance that is to say a symbolic body that the child must internalize; indeed, to construct, a child needs not only a father in real life, it also needs to have "a father to him," that is to say that he must have internalized the role and function of father.
* ° it serves to situate . to move °, ° and essential information ie 3: 1 . where it comes from: its origins, its roots, place (from 2 lines) 2. that her mother "n" has not been able to do it alone "... fundamental information because small children often believe mothers strong enough to make the children alone! And learn that they need a man for it enables them to relativize their omnipotence and gives them a foothold to separate her and grow = father is the "third separator" .
3. to finally know that his mother had (at least) a man in her life. .. 1 year, 1 day, 1 hour ... but it took place, and from there, the child becomes aware that there are in the life of his mother, an area which has no access = it can not be "ALL" for her. Telling a child "you have a father" is putting in place the conditions for integrating the prohibition of incest and thus for the child, the need to look elsewhere, to build his own life grow.
** in fact, "having a father in the head" is a child, moving from relationship to 2 (his mother) a relationship with 3 (he, his mother, his father) is ... posit the existence, between his mother and him, one third vested with authority, having power - by its very existence - to prohibit this mother .. and this is because " He has, by its place, the initial power that the father is the child: AUTHORITY AND THE LAW.
* is it sufficient to have a "daddy" in life to have a "father" in his head? NO! ... We all know children who behave normally when the father is there and who become untenable when they are gone ... this means that the child has a father in real life but not "father in the head" ! it has no internal compass when dad is gone for them and for them the father is limited to the person's father is to say, Dad! posed prohibitions exist anymore!
* what conditions he is a dad as a father?
° it necessary that you be aware of being on a mission to have a function to perform and therefore represent more than himself an word "father" which is different from the personal convictions of the father or banned posed for his good pleasure; also word that, given his position, he should say at this time. (eg we do not lie down at midnight, do their homework ...), the father in the family the equivalent of what the police in society (police) and the magistrate (justice)
; ** is its function and not from his person as the father derives its authority.
° it must ale that will lead (giving direction) the education of his child all the moments of his life and make sure that his word is respected even in his absence by both the mother and the child.
° dad is a father if there is fatherhood.
, ** or 2 things may object:
1. if the father is not aware of his mission If he feels unable to complete it, if they feel they have no legitimacy to do so (an attitude that can be linked to his personal history = not have a father in his life or was not authorized by him to become a father himself).
2. conversely, children find themselves "without father" because their dad bar paternal function by replacing it ... For fathers dictators (think they are god father), or do not say the law but make it (fantasy or neurosis, madness): the child then did not re- father to teach him the laws of man and has a daddy mighty, terrifying and fascinating at which he will either submit or identify ... and it might be him himself later dictator.
* it even has a fundamental role: there is no father without a mother .. .
* it has the power - extremely high - to be the only one able appointing the parent, who can say who is the father of her child, gold it is regrettable that nothing in our society, no requirement to do so! because the father belongs to the child! ... And the child should have at least the right to always know the identity of her father!
* it also has the power to give to her child, an image of his father, sire, if absent, by the way she speaks and Daddy's present (parent or not) through its relationship with him (and qualities faults of the father).
** image that the child will his father always depends on what says the mother.
eg no child is afraid of an angry father if the mother says he is not mean and that she is not afraid ..
ie any child will believe that his father is a fool if his mother thinks ... what is even more damaging to boys who identify with a bad image of the father, will have a bad image of men and thus themselves.
* the mother is the one that has the potential to be the father, when he is not here, referring to his words and his authority.
eg if the father lives at home, "doing this because your father asked you"
if he does not live in home, "your father would not want you to do that."
* mother makes the child, his father present, even if he is absent physically involved "in the name of the father": it gives rise to the paternal function and allows the child to internalize .
* conversely, a mother who does not take into account the father's word or accept - often at the request of the child - to conceal this or that event, "bar function paternal ".
* If the father is a dictator, the mother can and must help the child to "make himself" the father in the head .... explaining how his dad goes beyond his duties, not by denigrating ... but explaining what happened in its history, which he suffered, the mother gives the child a cue from the real laws and a fulcrum to enable him to resist his father when he skids: this does in no way a child to love his father.
** children, when they understand the reasons for the wanderings of their parents, have always treasure them compassion .
* help children build him a "father" allows access to two things:
1. to symbolization and language : it is - to say the fact the fact that his father may be present even absent physically, understand that words name things that can exist when things are missing; do is TALK things exist in their absence. by WORDS; language delays are often due to "failure of a father."
2. limits are respected and the law : if the father's word is more when it's gone, a child can not understand that, in the absence of any police officer could verbalize, a car stops at red lights.
** non-operation of "the paternal" in the family is the major cause of most delinquency .
* it is true that the social authorities can supplement bringing the child marks his family could not give him. (Teacher, teacher, judge can send "words of fatherly.")
* "carrier" and "setter" of the paternal to his children the 2 sexes, the father has a specific role in the education of his son.
** father is the pillar of the building psychic boy ... one who can help his son grow up "the exiting his mother's skirts," pushing to gain physical independence, to fend for themselves (washing, dressing ...) who gives a place and a future by serving on the prohibition of incest: "Your mother is my wife - for you to grow up to be later, a woman to you," one who "called" boy argues in his identity as boy and gave him the pride of being a boy
** A boy needs to be "recognized" by his father.
** father also has a role to play in relation to the sexuality of the boy in the informing on his anatomy, helping to understand that human sexuality is not a matter of brute force and a mating animals in heat, but a matter of respect for others and words.
** The father is finally and above all a model of life is education, which is transmitted by example and by identifying with his father (being like him) that the little boy grows.
** father takes his place as father over the child, if a man takes his place against his wife or companion, if the child shows that he is - even subject to the laws he asked to meet = then the boy may become a man.
° The FATHER IS ESSENTIAL INSTANCE: the child needs to internalize the role and function of a father, his third separator between and his mother, who represents authority and law.
° all fathers are not fathers ... even if they look after their children, fathers were not all aware of their particular mission or by disability or incapacity by .
° the father is a life model for the little boy and has a specific role in education his son (incest taboo, the pride of being a man, to humanize her sexuality).
@ NAMELY ... Men need to spend time with their children and children can enjoy their parents. A booklet published by the CNIDFF (National Clearinghouse on the rights of women and families ) Www.infofemmes. Com advocates "taking the time to be a father!
ale there appears a genuine desire to promote a better distribution of tasks and roles in family and work spheres.
66, 4% of fathers claimed paternity leave in 2004
° 36% of men find it difficult to balance work with the pace and schedule of school or childcare.
* Father, what's the point? : S. and M. Nabati - ed. rejuvenation
* Fathers and mothers - Aldo Naouri - ed. Odile Jacob
* everyone looks for a father - Marcel Rufo - eds. anne career
@ and a lovely poem for all dads!
A dad makes me shelter When I
afraid of the dark A dad
I do not know what to do
When he is angry
A Dad Who I fly
When he laughs
A short while Dad
What I celebrate this day
With all my love
Pierre Ruaud