the new site Nid'Ange
You can now find on our site, besides all the information on the activities proposed by the association or its partners, a presentation of our active members and a collection of miscellaneous information that we wanted to share (tips and tricks for moms, links to information about the role of parents, ideas for outings in the OP ... and many other things!)
In addition, in a spirit of solidarity and mutual assistance, we offer a section just for you, to exchange, barter, sell or find all kinds of goods and sevices ...
Enjoy ...
Tuesday, September 15, 2009
Monday, September 14, 2009
Steps To Masterbation
The school year has begun ... how to promote both the success and vitality of your child?
.... indispensable advice for all: AN EXAMPLE! TO DAILY ... . do not forget that parents are best placed to assist and accompany the child to quietly pass the steps and nothing will be as effective and comforting ant their eyes .. .
1. enhance school ... confidence in the living environment "allow a child to grow out of the family."
2. socialize their children: cleanliness, politeness, respect for authority, respect for others and himself.
3. foster his desire to learn , his natural curiosity.
4. not play Professor !.... do not put pressure on him.
5. interested in his school life.
6. devote time.
1. promote learning ... by exploiting the "read, write and count " in everyday life.
2. meet its maturation. Attention to the many extra-curricular activities that increase his schedule ...
3. understand its specificities recognize it as ... est !
recognize its strengths and difficulties
; ; understand rather than worry
; ; that learning difficulties are often linked to emotional problems ... making the child "impervious" to any learning : "When the light is made, the machine to think the child will start again "(see my little red books to" speak truth ")
4. give meaning to school : setting concrete goals with him.
5. control rather than to judge.
6. teach him to manage his time ... and offer a framework to work
Friday, September 11, 2009
Shooting Of Tharakh Mathea
Your appointments by month ...
January 2011: 8.1
Portage physiological scarf St Genis fountains (10h-12h)
1.13 1.15
prenatal Song Do-in pregnant women (10am- 11.30) 15.01
Portage physiological scarf (14h-16h) 1.19
Néfiach sewing workshop (15h45-17h)
22.1 Introduction to massage babies (11am-12pm) 27/01
Awakening Music (17:45 -18h45)
1.28 Conference " Careful our babies," Un certain regard for the care of babies and its effects on his body and mental activity, building on the contributions of Emmi Pikler.
Friday, January 28 at 8:30 p.m. in Room Liberties (cited Bartissol Street - between St John's Cathedral and Wilson Blvd). Open to all, attendance 5 euros
February 2011 :
9.2 Néfiach sewing workshop (15h45-17h)
10/02 12/02 Song prenatal
Portage physiological scarf (14h-16h )
12.02 Do-in pregnant women (10h-11h30)
19/02 Workshop portage physiological scarf St Genis fountains (10h-12h)
19.02 Introduction to massage babies (11am-12pm) 24/02
Awakening musical (5:45 p.m. to 6:45 p.m.)
March 2011 :
Song prenatal
3.10 3.16 Portage physiological Scarf (10am-12pm) at St Genis des Fontaines
18.03 Coffee 03.19 Introduction to massage babies (11am-12pm) 19/03
Portage physiological scarf (14h-16h) 3.24
Awakening musical (5:45 p.m. to 6:45 p.m.)
03.25 Coffee parents (2:30 p.m. to 5:30 p.m.)
April 2011: 5.4
Portage physiological scarf (14h-16h) in St Genis des Fontaines
07.04 04.08 Coffee Song prenatal
parents (14h30-17h30)
4.9 Introduction to massage babies (11am-12pm) 15/04
Parent Coffee (2:30 p.m. to 5:30 p.m.) 16/04
Portage physiological scarf (14h-16h) 4.19
Portage physiological scarf (14h-16h ) to St Genis des Fontaines
04.22 Coffee parents (2:30 p.m. to 5:30 p.m.) 4.28
Awakening musical (5:45 p.m. to 6:45 p.m.)
May 2011:
7.5 Introduction to massage babies (11am-12pm) 11/05
Portage physiological Scarf (10am-12pm) at St Genis des Fontaines
12.05 13.05 Coffee Song prenatal
parents (14.30 -17.30) 20.05 Coffee
parents (2:30 p.m. to 5:30 p.m.) 21/05
Portage physiological scarf (14h-16h) 5.26
Awakening musical (5:45 p.m. to 6:45 p.m.)
05.27 Coffee parents (2:30 p.m. to 5:30 p.m. )
5.31 Portage physiological scarf (14h-16h) to St Genis des Fontaines
June 2011:
06.09 06.10 Coffee Song prenatal
parents (14h30-17h30) 11/06
Portage physiological scarf (14h-16h)
06.17 Coffee parents (2:30 p.m. to 5:30 p.m.)
18.6 Introduction to massage babies (11am-12pm) 22/06
Portage physiological in a sling (10am-12pm) at St Genis des Fontaines
6.23 Awakening musical (5:45 p.m. to 6:45 p.m.)
24.06 Coffee parents (2:30 p.m. to 5:30 p.m.)
Our events are at 10 rue des Carignans in Perpignan, in the premises of the ADSEA
St genis: room above the monastery - next of the tourist
The workshops are open to members, upon registration (mail or such) / 09 81 60 13 74 (Celine)
€ 5 per workshop / adhesive 20 or 10 € € (per family) as possible / free participation for Parents Coffee
more info on the workshops:
PORTAGE the insider to MASSAGE
musical awakening and body
DO-IN for pregnant women
AWAKENING to SHADOWS "between dog and wolf"
" How to Talk so Kids Will Listen ... " Stream discussion about non-violent upbringing
Wednesday, September 9, 2009
Can I Take Relpax With Vicodin

An opportunity to meet, meet and exchange ideas about porting and parenting ...
information 04 11 68 07 68 (Marina) or 06 76 38 85 40 (Sandra)
Saturday, September 5, 2009
Fatiguetinglingblurry Vision
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