program of activities (May June 2009)
WORKSHOPS Workshops are open to members at a price of 5 euros.
Places are limited, please register.
Membership active member or 10 euros 20 euros Benefactor
INITIATION MASSAGE babies hosted by Anne Huret
May 5, June 2 ( Tuesday from 10am to 11.30am) - Bring towel
Location: The workshop babies 38, rue Pascal Marie Agasse
FITNESS Mother and Baby hosted by Agnel Adjetzy
April 24, May 15, June 12 (Friday 10am-11.30am)
Location: Balance and Health 6, rue Sinai Avicenna Cabestany (Ward Médipole )
PORTAGE animated by Roser Soles
April 25, May 16, June 20 ( Saturday from 14:30 to 16:30)
Location: 70 Ave. Marcelin Albert Perpignan (near St Martin)
MUSICAL WORKSHOPS led by Priscilla Martial-Llaverias
Location: Cosmos Biocoop 12 av. Prades (station area)
Song Prenatal (pregnant women and babies up to 4 months)
April 30, May 28, June 18 ( Thursday 10am-11H3 0)
Awakening Musical Baby (until the acquisition walking)
May 7, June 4 (Thursdays from 3:30 p.m. to 4:30 p.m.)
Awakening Musical Toddlers (walking to 3 years)
May 14, June 11 (Friday 15:30 to 16:30)
with BABY SIGN SONG in led by Sylvie Bastide and Prisca Martial-Llaverias
May 12, June 9 (the e Tuesday from 10am to 11.30am)
topic-oriented meetings and conferences. ..
We invite parents and prospective parents to come and share your experiences and your questions.
Children and Dads are welcome.
Participation Free for meetings with topics
Location: Cosmos Biocoop 12 av. Prades (station area)
The couple after childbirth:
Thursday, April 23, 2009 from 2:30 p.m. to 4:30 p.m.
Food, in the presence of an osteopath : Wednesday, 13
May from 14.30 to 16.30
Learning to learn in our operation, in the presence of a teacher:
Wednesday, June 3 from 14:30 to 16:30
Pregnancy and Childbirth, in the presence of a midwife:
Wednesday, June 10, 2009 from 2:30 p.m. to 4:30 p.m.
Conference: Diapers, why and how?
by Marianne Markmann
Thursday, April 30 at 18:30
Place: Tea Room, 14 rue de l'Angel
Open to all, free admission
Tuesday, May 12, 2009
Thursday, May 7, 2009
Service-hours-letter-template Non Profit
It's time to activate
Ask yourself the question: what did you do today to improve your life? Do you have to continue to complain because of your bad luck?
Have you seen him look angelic force that is active today? ( see here) What you do to be in line with her?
Activate your will and your life will activate.
Tristan Llop, In Search of treasure inside

Have you seen him look angelic force that is active today? ( see here) What you do to be in line with her?
Activate your will and your life will activate.
Tristan Llop, In Search of treasure inside
Saturday, May 2, 2009
How To Moisten A Dry Blunt
Alert theatrical swine
The first affected by the swine flu could be a child of five who lives in a Mexican village named "La Gloria" (Glory), by New York Times . The authorities managed to identify Edgar Hernandez, a child who belongs to a very poor family, as the patient number zero.
This news caught my attention because it is a child and especially by the name of the village where the outbreak began: The Glory , neither more nor less ... If
we consider, as stated in the Kabbalah, that everything that happens in the third dimension (in the physical world) was incubated previously in the spirit world, in what Teillard de Chardin called the noosphere, see How has dithered epidemic (I resist using the term pandemic) influenza swine. If we read this news between the lines and with glasses to interpret the symbols, we would say ... ... What
side of glory, the kingdom of God, up there in the headquarters of our Higher Self, a plan was developed with the idea to help us understand that our inner child has defenses tipsy, he is weak, poorly fed, miserable. The shortcomings of that child inside holes are like termites in which viruses have sneaked transmitted by the most "pork", the most filthy and impure of our psyche (that which is able to feel the rage, hatred, jealousy etc. ..). It are indeed some cultures who repudiate the pork in their kitchen because they consider it unclean.
But what does the child inside? The inner child symbolizes purity, freshness, tenderness, innocence, spontaneity, openness, innocence, humility, desire to play, to have fun, the fact of being out of the matrix, the programming world. It symbolizes the imagination, joy, lack of packaging, barriers and beliefs, except to believe that anything is possible. Children are also new impulses of psiche, those who renew, which we grow out of routine. The inner child is the freedom to dream and to act only after the momentum of the mind.
But having a child inside malnourished, weak and helpless, what does that mean? This means that the psychic residue of the people, the people formed by all our tendencies, does this child - the purity, innocence, etc.. - No attention, not devoting any energy resource. He does not feed energy. All things or people we are asking our attention, get our energy, we feed them, it helps them grow. And now, the incongruous is in power: what captures our attention first, not the child, but the virus that has invaded.
This virus must be delighted because, among all, we force-feed up to unimaginable limits, we treat it like a prince. We will have ceded the headlines of all media. It must feel like a champion rugby after winning the Super Bowl. Triumph over the line because, in addition, he received an increasing number of people walking down the street disguised nurse / ers, with a mask that covers their face.
It's as if they were traveling in a huge hospital. A hospital populated by a sick society overrun by fear, fear. A company willing to empty the shelves of pharmacies with the illusory goal of bombing the symptoms instead of stopping the ride of collective madness, meditate a little and wonder what is the origin of the problem.
I remember one day there may be twenty years, I consulted a doctor about a strong flu. I asked him if it was appropriate that I take drugs, that's what me said: "If you take medication, you have seven days and if you do nothing, except bouillon, fruit juices and teas and plenty of rest, you for one week. "
One company, we said, sick to the point that she has no consciousness of the mental strength that it owns and the fact that if she ever call at the wrong time, it will eventually be swept a storm. We are experiencing an era in which, given the extraordinary activity photonics (solar) that is happening, our thoughts are endowed with immense power crystallizer, unknown until then. The man has never been so powerful because his brain has never been developed. And he uses this power to co-create an epidemic that is truly grotesque. And all this, regardless of whether the pandemic is real, what many people doubt.
I mean by this that continually think we can be the victim of a theft, this is equivalent to display the following advertisement in the noosphere: "I am looking for a thief willing to give me a hand to crystallize my thoughts. " Similarly, if one has in mind the idea that we must arm themselves and defend themselves in all directions - masks, vaccines, drugs, quarantines and other rides flu-cons, is the message we send to the virus, "Come, I wait, I'll reserve a space (mental) so that you sit with any comfort." And the virus we will answer: "I'm coming, I do not care of your mask as you call me with such insistence that I am able to override all obstacles. As for your meds, do not worry, I hold on, they'll just m'érafler.
If pundits Theatre of the Absurd (Beckett, Ionesco, Genet, Camus ..) came out of their coffins, they would not hurt to find arguments for their parts. Countries that close their borders, schools that are locked, people lock themselves in their homes, following instructions not to embrace, not to join hands and not get too close to another. At the end you wonder where are the limits that we are prepared to achieve in the process of glorification of the virus.
Raise a problem without offering some solution is not very elegant, I propose an anti-virus that normally gives excellent results in people who are convinced that this can work:
We are situated beneath a ray of sun, we imagine that el Sun enters us Through our head (chakra 7).
We imagine that as far as sunlight enters our body, they turn into six-pointed star of all small, the size of a cell. We imagine that our whole body is invaded by these stars, head to Los feet, and all our cells are transformed into stars.
Now imagine that inside these stars there is a message: the word LOVE, and that flowing in our body, they fill it with love. We feel immense pleasure that this product in our cellular world.
Now we imagine that we are cells of a huge anthropomorphic body formed by all countries on Earth. We can even draw it. We place ourselves mentally in the body, we imagine that we are a cell full of love that part of this huge global organization. And given that love is contagious, we imagine that we contaminate all cells that surround us. And that they in turn contaminate all neighboring cells. And finally, we imagine that the entire planetary body was filled with millions of tiny six-pointed star with the message LOVE inside.
Soleika Llop, In search of treasure inside

This news caught my attention because it is a child and especially by the name of the village where the outbreak began: The Glory , neither more nor less ... If
we consider, as stated in the Kabbalah, that everything that happens in the third dimension (in the physical world) was incubated previously in the spirit world, in what Teillard de Chardin called the noosphere, see How has dithered epidemic (I resist using the term pandemic) influenza swine. If we read this news between the lines and with glasses to interpret the symbols, we would say ... ... What
side of glory, the kingdom of God, up there in the headquarters of our Higher Self, a plan was developed with the idea to help us understand that our inner child has defenses tipsy, he is weak, poorly fed, miserable. The shortcomings of that child inside holes are like termites in which viruses have sneaked transmitted by the most "pork", the most filthy and impure of our psyche (that which is able to feel the rage, hatred, jealousy etc. ..). It are indeed some cultures who repudiate the pork in their kitchen because they consider it unclean.
But what does the child inside? The inner child symbolizes purity, freshness, tenderness, innocence, spontaneity, openness, innocence, humility, desire to play, to have fun, the fact of being out of the matrix, the programming world. It symbolizes the imagination, joy, lack of packaging, barriers and beliefs, except to believe that anything is possible. Children are also new impulses of psiche, those who renew, which we grow out of routine. The inner child is the freedom to dream and to act only after the momentum of the mind.
But having a child inside malnourished, weak and helpless, what does that mean? This means that the psychic residue of the people, the people formed by all our tendencies, does this child - the purity, innocence, etc.. - No attention, not devoting any energy resource. He does not feed energy. All things or people we are asking our attention, get our energy, we feed them, it helps them grow. And now, the incongruous is in power: what captures our attention first, not the child, but the virus that has invaded.
This virus must be delighted because, among all, we force-feed up to unimaginable limits, we treat it like a prince. We will have ceded the headlines of all media. It must feel like a champion rugby after winning the Super Bowl. Triumph over the line because, in addition, he received an increasing number of people walking down the street disguised nurse / ers, with a mask that covers their face.
It's as if they were traveling in a huge hospital. A hospital populated by a sick society overrun by fear, fear. A company willing to empty the shelves of pharmacies with the illusory goal of bombing the symptoms instead of stopping the ride of collective madness, meditate a little and wonder what is the origin of the problem.
I remember one day there may be twenty years, I consulted a doctor about a strong flu. I asked him if it was appropriate that I take drugs, that's what me said: "If you take medication, you have seven days and if you do nothing, except bouillon, fruit juices and teas and plenty of rest, you for one week. "
One company, we said, sick to the point that she has no consciousness of the mental strength that it owns and the fact that if she ever call at the wrong time, it will eventually be swept a storm. We are experiencing an era in which, given the extraordinary activity photonics (solar) that is happening, our thoughts are endowed with immense power crystallizer, unknown until then. The man has never been so powerful because his brain has never been developed. And he uses this power to co-create an epidemic that is truly grotesque. And all this, regardless of whether the pandemic is real, what many people doubt.
I mean by this that continually think we can be the victim of a theft, this is equivalent to display the following advertisement in the noosphere: "I am looking for a thief willing to give me a hand to crystallize my thoughts. " Similarly, if one has in mind the idea that we must arm themselves and defend themselves in all directions - masks, vaccines, drugs, quarantines and other rides flu-cons, is the message we send to the virus, "Come, I wait, I'll reserve a space (mental) so that you sit with any comfort." And the virus we will answer: "I'm coming, I do not care of your mask as you call me with such insistence that I am able to override all obstacles. As for your meds, do not worry, I hold on, they'll just m'érafler.
If pundits Theatre of the Absurd (Beckett, Ionesco, Genet, Camus ..) came out of their coffins, they would not hurt to find arguments for their parts. Countries that close their borders, schools that are locked, people lock themselves in their homes, following instructions not to embrace, not to join hands and not get too close to another. At the end you wonder where are the limits that we are prepared to achieve in the process of glorification of the virus.
Raise a problem without offering some solution is not very elegant, I propose an anti-virus that normally gives excellent results in people who are convinced that this can work:
We are situated beneath a ray of sun, we imagine that el Sun enters us Through our head (chakra 7).
We imagine that as far as sunlight enters our body, they turn into six-pointed star of all small, the size of a cell. We imagine that our whole body is invaded by these stars, head to Los feet, and all our cells are transformed into stars.
Now imagine that inside these stars there is a message: the word LOVE, and that flowing in our body, they fill it with love. We feel immense pleasure that this product in our cellular world.
Now we imagine that we are cells of a huge anthropomorphic body formed by all countries on Earth. We can even draw it. We place ourselves mentally in the body, we imagine that we are a cell full of love that part of this huge global organization. And given that love is contagious, we imagine that we contaminate all cells that surround us. And that they in turn contaminate all neighboring cells. And finally, we imagine that the entire planetary body was filled with millions of tiny six-pointed star with the message LOVE inside.
Soleika Llop, In search of treasure inside
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